Saturday, 10 November 2012


THE Benedictine Fathers of Peramiho Abbey has expressed disappointment toward a statement issued by a single organization of information in relation to allegations of the death of the former Lecturer of the University of Dar es Salaam Professor Jwan Mwaikusa who was killed under controversial circumstances at his home area Salasala by unidentified people July 13, 2010 in Dar es Salaam.

Speaking to the reporters on Thursday last week during the press briefing, Fr. Fidelis Mligo OSB, who is the assistant of the Abbot, said that the Abbey of Peramiho is seriously concerned about these report’s non-truth, unfounded, malicious, cooked cause sedition and strife in society, which are recorded by a weekly newspaper namely Raia Mwema of 7th July, 2012.

"As it stands, killing some body (Mwaikusa) is a crime, to which the abbey has no jurisdiction to be the spokesman of it. It is true without ray of doubt that the Abbey was never involved in that murder whatsoever. And has never have contemplated to do so, because the Abbey being the religious institution by any means can not do such a very metal sin which is completely about abbey involvement in the killing of Mwaikusa is a criminal, as the abbey which we have no authority to address, and we do not know.

We know, this is a myth and a lie without a grain of truth. The goal here is to base our religious institutions anointed them with artificial mud in front of the community. This is the strategy of the information provider of revenge against our society abbey, monastery and chased because of theft of millions of shillings of abbey of Peramiho and other fraud, "said Fr. Fidelis Mligo OSB.

"Let me say a few words about the involvement in the company, the abbey of Peramiho, and UMICO Ltd; the truth is that the Abbey of Peramiho was a shareholder in UMICORE Ltd Company from the 1990s. This company was mining gold at Lukarasi in Mbinga District, Ruvuma region. The Abbey had a large stock (majority shareholder) and other shareholders were Mr. Johnson Nchimbi, Mr. Mathew, Barnabas and others”.

He said that early on; their shares were held by Mr. Johnson (in trust), later these shares were transferred to some monks as trustees (in trust), one of them was Mr. Nestory Mhuwa (ex Bro. Aidan). This was the former Director and later Managing Director of this company. All times Mr. Nestory (ex Br.Aidan) had always offered a variety of excuses for why he didn’t submit the report.

He continued to say that after seeing that we didn’t know what is going on in this company and trustee of us in this company who was Mr. Nestory (ex Br.Aidan) was not trusted and was not open on its performance. For a formal meeting of our council we decided that Mr. Nestory should submit the things of the company by selling shares because we didn’t see its benefits and we didn’t get the report.

Second, the shares which he possess (ex Br. Aidan) on behalf of the abbey in the company of other monks to complete our program based on the commitment in the company. This function was implemented properly by transferring these shares from Mr. Nestory (ex br.Aidan) in accordance with the law.

In 2010 the Abbey of Peramiho officially pulled from the company and sold her shares in accordance with the rules and regulations of companies (BRELA). Thus, in the practice of law, the abbey of Peramiho is not a UMICO member, and has no interest of any kind in the company said Fr. Mligo.

“Most information contained in the weekly newspaper (Raia mwema) about UMICO is old, the other is cooked. This Mr. Nestory (ex Br. Aidan) period assumed as a sponsor of these shares on behalf of these monks of Peramiho abbey.

According to the law of the Church the monk is not allowed to have a private property. So the ownership of Peramiho abbey shares through the monks and other people was not a secret, there was no reasonable basis for the existence of these secret that is why he had a different stock transfer documents.

Nevertheless, Mr.Nestory was expelled from being a monk for his deception, lack of trust, and courtesy of cheating the abbey of Peramiho by stealing millions of shillings, which focused used in various social service here at Peramiho.”

So, In January 2012, Mr. Nestory becomes (ex br. Aidan) was convicted by a magistrate court settlement with the offense of theft following the issue of hefting millions of shillings belonging to Peramiho abbey (Benedictine Fathers of Peramiho) until now he is still serving the punishment of imprisonment.


Na Mwandishi Wetu, Songea

Shirika la Wabenediktini la Peramiho limesikitishwa na taarifa iliyotolewa na gazeti la Raia mwema la tarehe 7 mwezi Novemba mwaka huu kuhusiana na tuhuma za kifo cha Profesa Jwan Mwaikusa.

Akizungumza na waandishi wa habari ofisini kwake alhamisi ya wiki iliyopita , Msaidizi wa Abate P.Fidelis Mligo OSB, ambaye pia kitaaluma ni mwanasheria, alisema kuwa Abasia ya Peramiho imesikitishwa sana na taarifa hizo ambazo ni za uzushi,uongo, na zisizo na ukweli, zinazoleta uchochezi na fitina katika jamii, ambazo zimeandikwa na gazeti hilo la kila wiki nchini, lenye kichwa cha habari kilichosomeka “Mapya yaibuka mauaji ya Profesa Jwan Mwaikusa".

“Kuhusu Abasia kuhusika na mauaji ya Mwaikusa ni jambo la kijinai, ambalo sisi kama Abasia hatuna mamlaka ya kulisemea na hatulijui. Tujuavyo, huo ni uzushi na uwongo usio na chembe ya ukweli. Lengo msingi hapa ni kutaka kuipaka taasisi yetu ya kidini matope ya bandia mbele ya jamii. Huu ni mkakati wa mtoa habari hiyo wa kulipa kisasi dhidi ya jamii yetu ya Abasia, baada ya kufukuzwa utawa na kufungwa gerezani kwa sababu ya wizi wa mamilioni ya fedha za Abasia ya Peramiho na udanganyifu mwingine,” alisema P.Fidelis Mligo OSB. Pamoja na mambo mengine, P. Mligo alishangaa: Je ni kwanini mwandishi wa habari hii ameficha jina lake (identity)? Ni kwanini pia mtoa habari naye ameficha jina lake? Maana yake hawa wote wawili wanajua toka mwanzoni kuwa wanaandika uzushi na uongo, ndiyo maana wanaficha identity zao. Lakini tutakapolifikisha gazeti hili mahakamani lazima watajitokeza kwa hiari yao. Hili lazima lifanyike”

Kwa mujibu wa Pd. Mligo ni kwamba mtoaji wa habari hiyo ni Bw. Nestory Mhuwa ambaye aliwahi kuwa mtawa wa shirika hilo kwa miaka ya nyuma akijulikana kwa jina la Br. Aidan OSB ambapo baadaye aliachishwa utawa kwa kuwa alikwenda kinyume na taratibu, kanuni,sheria na maadili ya kitawa ya shirika husika ambapo baadaye alishtakiwa kwa kosa la wizi la mamilioni ya shilingi ambazo ni mali ya shirika hilo. Hatimaye akatiwa hatiani na mahakama ya hakimu mkaazi ya Songea.

“Niseme machache juu ya kuhusika kwa Abasia Peramiho katika kampuni ya UMICO Ltd: Abasia ya Peramiho kuanzia miaka ya 1990 ilikuwa ni mwanahisa katika kampuni ya UMICO Ltd.

Kampuni hii ilikuwa ikijihusisha na uchimbaji madini huko Lukarasi wilayani Mbinga mkoani Ruvuma. Abasia ilikuwa na hisa kubwa (majority shareholder). Wanahisa wengine walikuwa ni Bw. Johnson Nchimbi, Bw.Mathew , Barnabas na wengine.”

Alisema kuwa mwanzoni kabisa, hisa zao zilishikiliwa na Bw.Johnson (in trust). Baadaye hisa hizo zikahamishiwa kwa baadhi ya watawa wenzao kama wadhamini (in trust), mmojawapo alikuwa ni Nestory Mhuwa(ex bro. Aidan). Huyu ndiye aliyekuwa Mkurugenzi na baadaye Mkurugenzi mtendaji wa kampuni hiyo. Mara zote Nestory Mhuwa (ex Br.Aidan) alitoa sababu mbalimbali za visingizio vya kutoleta ripoti hiyo kwa Abasia(principal owner of shares).

“Mara moja aliwahi kuleta taarifa kwenye mkutano wetu kwa maneno tu (kiblabla), alipobanwa na wajumbe wa mkutano huo juu ya mradi huo na matatizo yake, alisema matatizo ya mradi huu yataisha ndani ya miezi miwili. Baada ya kupita miezi hiyo miwili hakuleta ripoti yoyote mpaka leo. Muda mwingi alikuwa hapatikani utawani hapa Abasiani kwa kisingizio cha kushughulika na UMICO,” alifanunua Pd. Fidelis OSB.

Alisema baada ya kuona hatujui kinachoendelea katika kampuni hiyo na huyu mdhamini (trustee) wetu katika kampuni hii Mr. Nestory Mhuwa (ex bro.Aidan) haaminiki na siyo muwazi katika utendaji wake; kwa mkutano rasmi wa Baraza letu, pamoja na mambo mengine tuliamua kuwa lazima tujitoe katika kampuni hiyo kwa kuuza hisa(shares)kwa sababu hatuoni faida yake na hatupati ripoti.

Pili, hisa(shares) alizokuwa akizimiliki ex Br. Aidan kwa niaba ya Abasia katika kampuni hiyo zihamishiwe kwa watawa wengine ili kukamilisha mpango wetu msingi wa kujitoa katika kampuni hiyo. Kazi hiyo ilitekelezwa vizuri kwa kuhamisha hisa hizo toka kwa Nestory Mhuwa(ex br.Aidan) kwa mujibu wa sheria.

Mwaka 2010 Abasia ya Peramiho ilijitoa rasmi katika kampuni hiyo kwa kuuza hiza zake zote kwa mujibu wa taratibu na sheria za makapuni. Hivyo basi, kwa tendo hilo la kisheria, Abasia ya Peramiho siyo mwanahisa wa kampuni ya UMICO, na haina maslahi ya aina yoyote ile katika kampuni hiyo.

P. Mligo alizidi kusisitiza kuwa taarifa nyingi za UMICO zilizomo katika gazeti ni za zamani, na nyingine ni za kupikwa. Huyu Nestory (ex Br.Aidan) kipindi hicho alishika(mdhamini) hisa hizo kama mtawa. Kwa mujibu wa sheria ya Kanisa mtawa haruhusiwi kuwa na mali binafsi. Hivyo umiliki wa Abasia ya Peramiho wa hisa hizo kupitia kwa watawa hao na watu wengine haukuwa wa siri, haikuwapo sababu ya msingi ya uwepo wa siri hizo, ndiyo maana yeye ana nyaraka za kuhamisha hisa mbalimbali.

"Hakuna mtu aliyewahi kuja hapa Abasia Peramiho na kudai kupewa maelezo juu ya Abasia kuwa na hisa katika kampuni ya UMICO, na akanyimwa haki hiyo ya kupata habari. Vinginevyo hiyo inabaki ni tafsiri yake mgando na umbumbumbu wa sheria za makampuni. Abasia ya Peramiho kama mtu asiye wa kawaida(legal entity- Artificial person) anafanya kazi kupitia watu halisia(natural persons). Watu halisia hao ndio walioshika hisa kwa udhamini(in trust) kwa niaba ya Abasia Peramiho, akiwemo Nestory mhuwa (ex Br.Aidan). Basi, tuseme siri hiyo anayoisemea imewekwa na sheria.

Pamoja na hayo, Mr.Nestory Mhuwa(ex Bro.Aidan) kwa udanganyifu wake, na kukosa fadhila ya uaminifu aliweza kuiibia Abasia ya Peramiho mamilioni ya fedha, ambazo zililenga kutumika katika huduma mbalimbali za kijamii hapa Peramiho.

Hivyo, Mwezi Januari 2012, Mr. Nestory Mhuwa (ex br. Aidan) alitiwa hatiani(convicted) na mahakama ya hakimu makazi Songea kwa kosa la wizi wa mamilioni hayo ya fedha za Abasia Peramiho(Benedictine Fathers of Peramiho). Mpaka sasa bado anatumikia adhabu hiyo ya kifungo".

Aidha Pd. Mligo alihitimisha kusema kuwa Bw. Nestory(ex Bro.Aidan) ameshaachishwa utawa kwa mujibu wa sheria na taratibu za kanisa. Hivyo, si mtawa tena wa Abasia Peramiho, hana uhusiano wa kimaslahi na Abasia ya Peramiho (isipokuwa fedha anazodaiwa bado na taasisi hii).


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...