Sunday, 29 January 2017


Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University cha jijini Dar es Salaam, Profesa Stiven Nzowa, akiongoza mahafali ya kuwatunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD) wanaharakati na watumishi wa mungu nane pamoja na wengine kadhaa waliotunukiwa Tuzo ya Heshima ya Shahada ya Uzamili HDD Dar es Salaam jana. 

Mwanaharakati wa Haki za Watoto ambaye ni Rais wa Tanzania Music Foundation Dk.Donald Kisanga aliyetunukiwa PhD ya masuala ya Usimamizi na Uongozi wa Biashara akiwa kwenye mahafali ya 30 ya Chuo cha Africa Graduate University yaliyofanyika Dar es Salaam jana.

Askofu Dk. Godfrey Mallasy wa Kanisa la Tanzania Fellowship of Churches, akielezea kazi mbalimbali alizofanya kabla ya kutunukiwa tuzo hiyo.

Waliotunukiwa tuzo wakiwa na furaha katika picha ya pamoja.

Wageni waalikwa wakiwa na Mama Askofu Dk.Godfrey Mallasy, Debora Mallasy (mwenye kofia), alikuwepo kushuhudia mume wake akitunukiwa tuzo hiyo.

Meneja Programu na mshereheshaji katika mahafali hayo, 

Lucy Wilson akiwa kazini.

Watunukiwa tuzo hao wakiingia ukumbuni.

Wimbo wa Taifa ukiimbwa.Katikati ni Kamanda wa Polisi Mkoa wa Kipolisi wa Ilala, Salum Hamdun ambaye alikuwa mgeni rasmi kwenye mahafali hayo. Kushoto ni Mkuu wa chuo hicho, Profesa Stiven Nzowa na kulia ni mke wa Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe.

Mama Askofu Dk.Godfrey Mallasy, Debora Mallasy akiomba kabla ya kuanza kwa mahafali hayo.

Mkaguzi wa Polisi (ASP) Ezekiel Kyogo akionesha moja ya kitabu alichokiandika chenye manufaa kwa jamii. Kyogo alitunukiwa PhD.

Meneja Takwimu Mkoa wa Arusha Margaret Mutaleba, akieleza kazi alizozifanya katika jamii.

Wageni waalikwa wakiwa kwenye hafla hiyo.

Wasanii wa Bendi ya Jordan wakitumbuiza katika mahafali hayo.

Mwanahabari Tumaini Msowoya, akieleza kazi alizoziandika ambapo zimekifanya chuo hicho kumtunuku Tuzo hiyo ya Heshima.

Watoa huduma katika mahafali hayo, wakiwa katika picha ya [pamoja na Meneja Programu, Lucy Wilson.

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe (kulia), akimtunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD), Askofu Dk. Godfrey Mallasy katika mahafali hayo.

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe (kulia), akimtunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD), Meneja Takwimu Mkoa wa Arusha, Margaret Mutaleba.

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe (kulia), akimtunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD), Godwin Maimu.

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe (kulia), akimtunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD), Donald Kisanga.

Makamu Mkuu wa Chuo cha Africa Graduate University, Profesa Timothy Kazembe (kulia), akimtunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD), Mwanahabari Tumaini Msowoya.

Furaha na tabasamu baada ya kutunukiwa tuzo hiyo.

Watunukiwa tuzo hizo, Dk.Donald Kisanga (kushoto) na Mkaguzi wa Polisi (ASP), Ezekiel Kyogo (kulia), wakiwa na jamaa zao baada ya kutunukiwa tuzo hiyo.

Viongozi wa Chama cha Muziki wa Injili Tanzania, Dk.Godwin Maimu (kushoto) na Dk.Donald Kisanga wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja.

Na Dotto Mwaibale

CHUO cha Africa Graduate University cha jijini Dar es Salaam kimewatunuku Tuzo ya Heshima ya Udaktari (PhD) wanaharakati na watumishi wa mungu nane pamoja na wengine kadhaa waliotunukiwa Tuzo ya Heshima ya Shahada ya Uzamili HDD.

Watumishi waliotunukiwa tuzo hizo za heshima ni wale waliotoa mchango mkubwa kwa kufanya shughuli mbalimbali za kujitolea za kijamii na zikaleta manufaa kwa mtu mmoja mmoja na taifa kwa ujumla.

Akizungumza katika mahafali ya 30 ya chuo hicho chenye makao makuu yake Sierra Leone, Mkuu wa Chuo hicho, Profesa Stiven Nzowa alisema kila mwaka chuo hicho kimekuwa kikitoa Tuzo za heshima na Shahada za Uzamili kwa watanzania waliotoa mchango wa kusaidia jamii katika shughuli mbalimbali.

"Tunao watunuku tuzo hizi tuzo za heshima ni watu waliokuwa na umri wa miaka 60 ambao wanafanya kazi za kijamii katika nyumba za ibada kwa zaidi ya miaka 15 na kuendelea na wale ambao umri wao ni miaka 40 hadi zaidi na wenye shahada" alisema Profesa Nzowa.

Wakizungumzia kazi walizozifanya katika jamii Askofu Dk. Godfrey Mallasy wa Kanisa la Tanzania Fellowship of Churches alisema amefanyakazi nyingi za kijamii ikiwemo kusaidia watoto wanaoishi katika mazingira magumu na yatima na kubwa zaidi kwa kipindi cha miaka 20 amekuwa akifanya mkesha mkubwa wa kuliombea taifa amani na yeye akiwa ni mhasisi.

"Kazi hii ya kuliombea taifa amani tulianza mwaka 1997 na tumeweza kupeleka huduma hiyo hadi Zanzibar ambako kumefanyika maombi hayo kwa miaka saba na kuifanya Tanzania kuwa na amani" alisema Dk. Mallasy.

Mwanaharakati wa Haki za Watoto ambaye ni Rais wa Tanzania Music Foundation Dk.Donald Kisanga aliyetunukiwa PhD ya masuala ya Usimamizi na Uongozi wa Biashara alisema amefanya kazi nyingi za kijamii ikiwa pamoja na kuishawishi serikali kukagua fedha zinazotolewa na wahisani kwenye taasisi mbalimbali zinazojishughulisha na kuwatunza watoto yatima baada ya kubaini baadhi yake zimekuwa zikifuja fedha bila ya kuwasaidia walengwa.

Mwingine aliyetunukiwa tuzo hiyo ya heshima ni Meneja Takwimu Mkoa wa Arusha Margaret Mutaleba ambaye pamoja na kufanya shughuli nyingi za kijamii pia ndiye aliyemshauri Rais Dk. John Magufuli kuhusu mpango wa kufanya usafi ambao unaendelea kutekelezwa nchini kote.

Mbali na watu hao kutunukiwa tuzo hiyo ya heshima yupo mwanahabari mahiri wa gazeti la Mwananchi, Tumaini Msowoya ambaye ametunukiwa PhD kutokana na kufanya kazi mbalimbali za kijamii kupitia kalamu yake ambazo zimeleta mrejesho mkubwa kwa walengwa na kuweza kusaidiwa.

Waliotunukiwa tuzo ya heshima ya udaktari ni Donald Kisanga, Mlute Nyasa, John Pallangyo, Wilson Nyiti na Godwin Maimu.

Wengine ni Askofu Dk. Godfrey Mallasy, Ofisa wa Jeshi la Polisi Ezekiel Kyogo, Mtakwimu Margaret Mutaleba na Mwanahabari Tumaini Msowoya.


Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Vyama vya Siasa nchini, John Shibuda (katikati), akizungumza na waandishi wa habari katika mkutano wa kuuaga mwaka wa 2016 na kuukaribisha mwaka 2017 Dar es Salaam jana. Kulia ni Msajili Msaidizi Ofisi ya Msajili wa Vyama vya Siasa Nchini, Sisty Nyahoza na Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Chama cha ADA na Waziri wa Nchi asiye na Wizara Maalum, Zanzibar.

Mkutano ukiendelea.

Waandishi wa habari wakiwa kwenye mkutano huo.

Mwanahabari Suleiman Msuya akiuliza swali katika mkutano huo. 

Na Dotto Mwaibale

WATANZANIA wameombwa kumuunga mkono Rais Dk.John Magufuli kwa jitohada zake anazozifanya za kupongoza nchi.

Mwito huo umetolewa na Mwenyekiti wa Baraza la Vyama vya Siasa nchini John Shibuda wakati akizungumza na waandishi wa habari katika mkutano wa kuuaga mwaka wa 2016 na kuukaribisha mwaka 2017 Dar es Salaam jana.

Alisema Serikali ya awamu ya tano imekuwa ikifanyakazi kubwa ya kudhibiti mirija ya unyonyaji wa pato la Taifa kupitia watumishi hewa, wanafunzi hewa, kaya masikini bandia na kupitia wahujumu uchumi wa matumizi mabaya ya dhamana za Taifa mambo ambayo yalikuwa yakipigiwa kelele na vyama vya upinzani.

"Binafsi nawaomba watanzania bila ya kujali itikadi za vyama vyao kumuunga mkono Rais wetu Dk.John Magufuli na wasaidizi wake Makamu wa Rais, Waziri Mkuu na wengine wote kwa kazi kubwa wanayoifanya ya kuongoza Taifa letu la Tanzania" alisema Shibuda.

Alisema anaupongeza utumishi wa Serikali ya awamu ya tano kwa uzinduzi wa urejeshaji wa uwajibikaji wa watumishi wote kwani hivi sasa watumishi wengi wanatabia za miiko ya utiifu kwa umma.

Akizungumzia Zanzibar alisema uchaguzi umekwisha pita na Rais wa nchi hiyo ni Dk. Ali Mohammed Shein ambaye anatakiwa kuongoza nchi hiyo na wenzake waliochaguliwa ili kuiletea maendeleo Zanzibar hivyo siasa za mihemuko ziachwe.

Shibuda alitumia nafasi hiyo kuwapongeza wazanzibar hasa Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) kwa ushindi walioupata Jimbo la Dimani na kuwaomba walioshindwa wasivunjike moyo kuvunjika jembe siyo mwisho wa uhunzi kwani hata timu kubwa hufungwa na timu ndogo.

Akizungumzia katazo la vyama vya siasa kutofanya mikutano hadi mwaka 2020 alisema majibu ya suala hilo yatatolewa baadae baada ya kulifanyia kazi jambo hilo. 

Katika hatua nyingine Shibuda alisema Baraza la Vyama vya Siasa litakuwa mshirika rafiki wa wadau wote wa siasa na kusimamia maslahi mapana ya jamii na Taifa yanayosimamiwa na Serikali na kuungwa mkono na Bunge mfano Azimio la EPA.

Shibuda alitoa ushauri kwa vyama vyote vya upinzani kuzingatia umakini wa mabadiliko ya Tabia nchi ya mfumo wa uwajibikaji wa Serikali ya awamu ya Tano inayoongozwa na Rais Dk. John Magufuli.


Kamanda wa Jeshi la Zimamoto mkoani Iringa Kennedy Komba akizungumza na Nipashe katika mahojiano maalum kuhusu mikakati iliyowekwa na jeshi hilo kupambana na majanga ya moto mkoani Iringa jana. (Picha na Friday Simbaya) 

Na Friday Simbaya, Iringa 

Kamanda wa Jeshi la Zimamoto na Uokoaji mkoani Iringa Mrakibu kennedy Komba ametoa wito kwa wananchi kutoa ushirikiano kwa askari wanaokuwepo kwenye eneo la tukio. 

Alisema kuwa wananchi wanaokuwepo eneo la tukio huchelewa kutoa taarifa kwa Jeshi la Zimamoto na Uokoaji kutokana na kuanza kwanza kuokoa mali zilizomo ndani ya Jengo linaloungua bila kutoa taarifa kwanza kwa Jeshi la Zimamoto na Uokoaji. 

Mrakibu huyo alitoa kauli hiyo wakati wa mahojiano maalum na nipashe ofisini kwake jana na kuongeza kuwa wananchi wanabudi kutoa ushrikiano kwanza ili askari waweze kuokoa mali, hasa katika majanga ya moto. 

Alisema kuwa ujenzi holela na uwekwaji wa vikwazo kama vile matairi chakavu, kanopi, vyuma na mawe makubwa kando ya mitaa finyu ya maeneo hayo ni sababu mojawapo zinazochelewesha zoezi la kuoaji. 

Katika hatua nyingine, Mrakibu Kennedy Komba amewata wananchi na makapuni kuleta mchoro yao ya nyumba kwa jeshi hilo ili wawezo kuelekezwa sehemu ya kuweka vifaa vya moto. 

Kamanda huyo amewataka wamiliki wa majengo na nyumba mkoani Iringa kuhakikisha wanafunga vifaa vya zima moto ili kujiadhari na majanga ya moto mara yanapotokea. 

Komba alisema katika kuuweka mkoa wa Iringa salama na janga la moto, jeshi la zimamoto linaendelea kutoa elimu na mafunzo kwa umma ili kuaondoa tatizo la janga la moto. 

Alisema lengo la mafunzo na elimu hiyo ni kuwapa uelewa jinsi ya kuepukana na majanga ya moto katika jamii. 

Kamanda alisema vifaa vinavyotakiwa kuweka katika majengo na nyumba kwa ajili ya kujikinga na majanga ya moto ni pamoja na ndoo ya mchanga mkavu, Fire Extingusher pamoja na viashiria vinavyotoa sauti kama king’ola. 

Aidha Komba amesihi wamiliki wa vyombo vya usafiri na usafirishaji kuhakikisha wanapeleka vyombo vyao kufanyiwa ukaguzi na kupewa fomu maalum ya ukaguzi, na kununua vifaa vya kudhibiti janga hilo ili kuondokana na athari. 

Hata hivyo, kamanda huyo jeshi la zimamoto na uokoaji amewataka wananchi kutotumia namba ya dharura 114 kutoa taarifa za uongo kwa jeshi hilo badala yake watumie vizuri kwa kutoa taarifa zitakazofanya jeshi kufika haraka kwenye matukio hayo.

US immigration: Federal judge stays deportations under Trump Muslim country travel ban

Iraqi immigrant Hameed Darweesh walks out of Terminal 4 at JFK with Congressman Jerrold Nadler (L) and Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (R) after being released on Saturday. Photograph: Andrew Kelly/Reuters

Raya Jalabi in Brooklyn and Alan Yuhas

A federal judge has granted a stay on deportations for people who arrived in the US with valid visas but were detained on entry, following President Donald Trump’s executive order to halt travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

The stay is only a partial block to the broader executive order, with the judge stopping short of a broader ruling on its constitutionality. Nevertheless, it was an early, significant blow to the new administration.

US airports on frontline as Donald Trump's travel ban causes chaos and protests

Less than 24 hours after two Iraqi men were detained at John F Kennedy airport in New York on Saturday morning, Judge Ann Donnelly of the federal district court in Brooklyn ordered an emergency stay, blocking the deportation of any individual currently being held in airports across the United States.

“I think the government hasn’t had a full chance to think about this,” Donnelly told a packed courtroom.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other groups filed the lawsuit earlier on Saturday, challenging the detention of the two Iraqi men, with two more plaintiffs were later added to the suit, who were both valid US green-card holders. But the judge’s ruling extended to all individuals facing similar situations across the United States.

The two plaintiffs included two Iraqi refugees who had spent hours detained at JFK: Hameed Khalid Darweesh, who had worked for the US government for a decade, and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi, who arrived in the country to join his wife, a US contractor.

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Donnelly, who was nominated by former president Barack Obama, ruled that the deportations could cause the plaintiffs “irreparable harm” by returning them to countries where they had been threatened. She also noted that the plaintiffs included visa-holders who had already been approved for entry to the US, and who, only two days before, would have been let into the country without incident.

“Obviously, we’re extremely pleased,” the head of the ACLU, Anthony Romero, told the Guardian. The judge, he said, “obviously gets the importance of the executive order and its impact on hundreds if not thousands of immigrants and refugees.”

The stay, which applies nationwide, will last at least until a hearing scheduled for 21 February, the judge said, and includes people on valid visas of all kinds and green-card holders.

However, it would only impact those who were “on American soil” – ie those who had been mid-flight or had landed while the executive order was being signed by the president, Romero said.

He estimated that there were at least 100-200 people currently being held in airports across the country, however he said the number could be higher. Asked by the judge to confirm the number, government lawyers were unable to respond with confidence.

Donnelly ordered the government to provide a list of all people currently being held in violation of the order at US airports or in flights, to protests from the government lawyers.

“I don’t think it’s unduly burdensome to get a list of names,” Donnelly said.

Darweesh and Alshawi had both been released earlier on Saturday, the US attorney confirmed, however Romero specified that Darweesh had been released “at the discretion of the executive branch”.

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Despite the stay, however, lawyers for the plaintiffs and civil liberties advocates drew immediate concern for the well-being of those granted a stay, as it was widely assumed that the individuals in question would be held in immigration detention facilities until their hearing, three weeks away.

New York Yemenis stunned by Trump's ban: 'I feel like somebody has killed me'

“It’s a long time for people to be sitting in detention centers,” Romero said, adding that the ACLU would be monitoring the conditions in those facilities.

Brian Chesky, the co-founder of Airbnb, tweetedthat his company would provide “free housing to refugees and anyone not allowed in the US”, and suggested anyone should contact him if in urgent need for housing.

Judge Donnelly suggested the lawyers should return to court, if the travelers were to be placed in detention rather than be released. “I guess I’ll just hear from you,” she said.

Earlier on Saturday, President Trump’s executive order, signed the day before, sowed chaos in airports, universities, corporations and living rooms in the US and abroad, as people grappled with the ramifications of its sometimes vague language.

Travelers were pulled off plans or detained at checkpoints, universities urged at-risk students not to leave the country or to seek legal advice while tech giants recalled their workers from abroad. Throughout, families took calls from panicked loved ones whose lives were cast into disarray, unable to return to their homes, with everything from cars to pets waiting where they left them.

While the ruling gave hope to those detained on US soil, millions of people around the world face uncertain futures. People like Farah Alkhafji, who came to the US as a refugee from Iraq having endured the killing of her husband, the burning of her house and the kidnapping of her father. She was just weeks away from taking her US citizenship test.

Donald Trump's first 100 days as president – daily updates

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Similarly, Hayder, who survived multiple bomb attacks while translating for US troops during the war in Iraq. Hayder, who has asked the Guardian not to use his real name, has a plane ticket from Texas from Baghdad that he may never get to use.

Shortly after Donnelly’s ruling, a federal judge in Virginia banned the deportation of detainees being held at Dulles International Airport, and also ordered officials there to allow detainees to meet with their lawyers.

Judge Leonie Brinkema’s temporary restraining order, however, blocked deportations for just seven days. In another case in Washington state, federal Judge Thomas Zilly stopped the US government from deporting two people. A hearing was set for 3 February for Zilly “to determine whether to life the stay”.

The hearing in Brooklyn though short, was potent, dealing the first successful legal challenge to an administration which has barrelled aggressively through its first week in power, implementing its draconian set of “extreme vetting” measures.

The swift pace at which the travel ban was drawn up was plain in the conduct of the court. Lawyers representing the government displayed a clear lack of information, echoing the confusion of various government agencies and officials in the past 24 hours, who had been implementing the order haphazardly.

“Things have unfolded with such speed, that we haven’t had time to review the legal situation yet,” an attorney representing the government said.

Alerted by the ACLU to the fact that a Syrian woman with a valid US green card had been detained upon arrival into the United States and had been placed on a plane due to take off “back to Syria” within 30 minutes, the judge moved swiftly to reach her conclusion.

Iraqis lament Trump travel ban that disregards their service to America

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“Apparently there is someone being put on a plane. What do you think about that? Back to Syria,” an increasingly frustrated Donnelly asked lawyers for the government. She pressed them further on whether the government could give assurances that the woman would suffer no “irreparable harm” upon her arrival in Syria.

But Gisela Westwater, a government lawyer who spoke to judge by phone from Washington, simply replied that the government did not have sufficient information about the woman or the circumstances of her detention. “And as your honor has suggested, we all do require additional time to have more facts.”

“Well that’s exactly why I’m going to grant this stay,” Donnelly replied to muffled cheers in the room. The rapt audience, filled with of civil liberties advocates, lawyers and journalists who had tunnelled through a crowd of protesters chanting “No hate, no fear, refugees are welcome here”, was told by the judge to rein in their palpable excitement.

A lawyer with the ACLU later confirmed that US immigration officials were removing the Syrian woman from the plane.

Several hundred people waited for the verdict outside the courthouse, holding signs and chanting “let them go!” and “We believe that we will win”. When the verdict was announced to the crowd less than an hour later, those gathered in the bitter cold erupted in loud cheers.

Similar protests were replicated at more than a dozen airports around the country. Hundreds of people gathered to demonstrate at Kennedy airport in New York and the international ports in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Houston, Philadelphia and other cities where people were detained and families separated overnight. Multiple immigration lawyers were also at airports, offering their services pro-bono to those detained.

Additional reporting by Spencer Ackerman.

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Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...