Monday, 5 December 2016


Mwenyekiti wa Madereva Kanda ya ziwa Hassan Dede akihojiwa na waandishi wa habari

Askari wa kikosi cha usalama barabarani wakiwa wamezisimamisha Daladala kwa kosa la kupakia abira eneo ambalo sio rasmi 

Jinsi magari yanavyogeuza katika eneo la Buhongwa

Eneo la stendi isiyokuwa rasmi ya Buhongwa ilivyo katika kadhia ya ubovu

Mwenyekiti wa Madereva Kanda ya ziwa Hassan Dede akikagua eneo la barabara ya Buhongwa ambayo inatumiwa na madereva Daladala kama stendi 

Gari likigeuza katikati ya barabara kutokana na kukosekana kwa eneo maalumu la stendi

Wajasiriamali wakiwa katika eneo la biashara huku Daladala zikitumia eneo hilo pia kupakia na kushusha abiria

Gari inageuza kituoni ambapo ni barabarani huku watu wakiendelea kuvuka barabara

Dede akikagua barabara iliyoharibika

Gari ikiwa imepaki katika eneo bovu la barabara ya Buhongwa

Mwandishi wa habari wa Mathias Canal akimhoji moja ya madereva katika eneo la Buhongwa

Mwenyekiti wa madereva Kanda ya ziwa Bw Hassan Dede akisalimia na wakazi wa eneo la Nyashishi mara baada ya kuzuru katika eneo hilo ambalo ndilo amependekeza kuwa stendi ya daladala, kushoto kwake ni Mwandishi wa habari wa Ndg Mathias Canal

Na Mathias Canal, Mwanza

Uongozi wa Mkoa wa Mwanza umetakiwa kubainisha stendi za Daladala, maeneo maalumu kwa ajili ya kufanyia biashara za mbogamboga na matunda kwa kina mama sambamba na kubainisha maeneo maalumu ambayo daladala haziruhusiwi kusimama kwani kufanya hivyo kutaondoa urasimu uliopo baina ya madereva wa Daladala na askari wa usalama barabarani.

Hayo yamebainishwa na Mwenyekiti wa madereva Kanda ya ziwa Bw Hassan Dede wakati alipozuru kujionea kadhia wanazokumbana nazo madereva wawapo barabarani sambamba na kujionea kandia wanayoipata kutokana na ubovu wa barabara na kutokuwa na stendi ya Daladala katika Mtaa wa Buhongwa nje kidogo ya Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Nyamagana.

Dede alisema kuwa ni ajabu kwa nchi yetu kuwa na kituo cha daladala chenye mwanzo lakini hakina mwisho hivyo kuwafanya madereva kugeuza mahala pasipokuwa rasmi ambapo ni hatari kwa uhai na magari na madereva hao.

Katika eneo la Buhongwa zinapogeuzia daladala kama kituo, barabara yake ni mbovu huku pembeni kukiwa na machinga sambamba na wajasiriamali wanaouza mbogamboga na matunda jambo ambalo linaweza kusababisha hatari kwa wafanyabiashara hao endapo kama g


YES Tanzania Executive Director Kenneth Simbaya (left) and his Financial Fundraising Coordination Lusajo Luvanda (extreme right) in a meeting with the SBC Tanzania Ltd Mbeya Plant General Manager Sanjar Munsh (centre) over possible partnership in implementing a project dubbed ‘Zero Tolerance against Gender based violence and sexual harassment in tertiary learning institutions. (Photo by Friday Simbaya)

By Friday Simbaya, MBEYA: Youth Education through Sports Tanzania (YES Tanzania) a youth led and youth focused NGO based in Mbeya region intends to start a project of raising awareness in the region (Mbeya) in higher learning institutions on the impact of sexual harassment and gender based violence (SGBV).

According to the YES Tanzania Executive Director Kenneth Simbaya, YES Tanzania has approached SBC Tanzania Limited for possible partnership in implementing a project dubbed ‘Zero Tolerance against Gender based violence and sexual harassment in tertiary learning institutions.

Simbaya said told The Guardian yesterday that YES Tanzania has sought sponsorship from SBC Tanzania Ltd so as to raise awareness in the colleges and universities on the impact of SGBV.

Gender Based Violence (GBV) refers to any form of act of violence that result in, or is likely to result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering of the women and girls, men and boys on the basis of their gender.

Sexual harassment is defined as unwanted act of sexual nature that causes discomfort to the harassed. They include words, persistent request for sexual favours or dates, gestures, touching, uninvited sexual overture, coerced sexual intercourse and rape.

He said that there is growing concerns that GBV in all its forms is rampant at all levels of education sector in the country and are rarely reported.

GBV according to Simbaya, affects both girls and boys, but in a different magnitude. Female students are at greater risk to suffer sexual violence but most of them do not report.

“This leads to physical, emotional, and psychological trauma. It is said that female students maintain a culture of silence while suffering and that some of them opt to remain in those abusive relationships for various reasons including, money, higher grades on examinations and tests, presents and social entertainments like being taken out for dinner, disco as well as fear of reprisal in situations where the abuser is a lecturer or an administrator,” he explained.

In most universities, YES Tanzania has noted that there are no trusted adults whom students can share their views and concerns, something which calls for urgently installing of counselors and mentors if we are to alleviate this problem in our learning institutions, he said.

YES Tanzania has noted that female students are sexually abused by male students, lecturers, and administrators, but suffer in silence because they say even if they report no action will be taken by either the university management or law enforcers.

The studies show that girls are dropping from out of school due to stigma, and score low marks because they do not concentrate on their studies, get unwanted pregnancy, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

“This is a time bomb which if not urgently addressed will seriously erode the potentials of education in society and the gains we have made in education,” Luvanda said.

He said through the project YES Tanzania will be able to create awareness in and out of universities and colleges so that everyone is empowered and knows the consequence GBV.

However, Tanzania has taken various measures to prevent and eradicate violence against women and children. The government has formulated the Tanzania Development Vision 2025, which was adopted in 1999 with the objective of building a strong economy, good governance and upholding the rule of law in its efforts to improve quality of life for all.

The Women and Gender Development Policy of 2000 has been adopted with the aim of giving direction to stakeholders in advancing women socially, culturally, economically and politically. The focus is on among others, women’s ownership of property, participation in decision-making at all spheres of development, access to business and credit facilities and modern technology.

Apart from policy formulation, the Parliament has also passed the Sexual Offences (Special Provisions) Act of 1998, which aims at safeguarding the dignity and integrity of women and children in clearer manner than hitherto, it has also introduced new offences like sexual harassment, sexual abuse and trafficking in persons. In addition, the Act provides for stiff punishment and the right of compensation to victims of violence.

Nearly 50% of all sexual SGBV worldwide occur among the youth, yet youth are not sufficiently engaged to be part of the solution, Universities and colleges have gender policies which youth hardly comprehend and youth do not fully understand the dynamics of SGBV.

Women fearing violence are less able to protect themselves from infection. They do not have the power to negotiate for safe sex or refuse unwanted sex.

While men and boys also experience gender based violence, women and girls are more affected by sexual violence and are consequently more susceptible to HIV/AIDS.


Katibu wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo Chadema Kanda ya Ziwa, Meshack Micus (kulia), akizungumza juzi kwenye semina kwa viongozi wa Mabaraza ya Chadema Wilaya ya Nyamagana mkoani Mwanza.

Lengo lilikuwa ni kuimarisha mabaraza hayo kwa ajili ya utendaji kazi wake ikiwemo kuhakikisha wanachama wapya wanaendelea kujiunga na chama chadema ili kukifanya kuendelea kuwa chama cha upinzani chenye nguvu nchini.

Chama hicho kililaani zoezi la kuwahamisha machinga kutoka katikati ya Jiji la Mwanza huku mazingira rafiki yakiwa bado hayajaandaliwa ambapo Micus alisema hatua hiyo inaweza kusababisha vijana na akina mama wengi kukosa mwelekeo wa kujitafutia kipato kwa njia sahihi ambapo walihimiza machinga hao kutengenezewa mazingira bora ya kufanyia biashara zao.

Na BMG Habari

Baadhi ya viongozi wa mabaraza ya Chadema wilayani Nyamagana wakimsikiliza Katibu wa Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo Chadema Kanda ya Ziwa, Meshack Micus (kulia), wakati akizungumza kwenye semina kwa viongozi wa Mabaraza ya Chadema Wilaya ya Nyamagana mkoani Mwanza.

Diwani wa Kaya ya Butimba, John Pambalu, akizungumza juzi kwenye semina kwa viongozi wa Mabaraza ya Chadema Wilaya ya Nyamagana mkoani Mwanza.

Baadhi ya viongozi wa mabaraza ya Chadema wilayani Nyamagana wakimsikiliza diwani wa Kata ya Butimba, John Pambalu, wakati akizungumza kwenye semina kwa viongozi wa Mabaraza ya Chadema Wilaya ya Nyamagana mkoani Mwanza.

Baadhi ya viongozi wa mabaraza ya Chadema wilayani Nyamagana, wakifuatilia kwa makini semina iliyotolewa kwa ajili ya kuimarisha uhai katika utendaji wao wa kazi ili kujiimarisha zaidi.

Viongozi mbalimbali Chadema Wilayani Nyamagana

Katibu wa Chadema Kanda ya Ziwa, Mechack Micus, akizungumza nje ya semina kwa viongozi wa mabaraza ya Chadema Wilayani Nyamagana.

John Amos, Mwenezi BAVICHA Kata ya Igoma Jijini Mwanza, akizungumza nje ya semina ambapo alipongeza semina hiyo kwamba itaendelea kukiimarisha chama.

Seko Jabanhya ambaye ni Mwenezi wa Vijana Chadema Wilaya ya Nyamagana, akizungumza baada ya semina kwa viongozi wa mabaraza Chadema wilayani Nyamagana. Alisema itasaidia chama kujiimarisha zaidi na kuendelea kuwatetea vyema wananchi.

Eather Alphaxard ambaye ni mwakilishi kutoka Kata ya Igoma ndani ya BAVICHA wilaya ya Nyamagana alisema semina hiyo itasaidia kuimarisha misingi ya viongozi wa mabaraza ndani ya chama.

Katikati ni Wilbert Mandago ambaye ni Afisa Bunge na Halmashauri Chadema akiteta jambo na viongozi wengine wa Mabaraza Chadema wilayani Nyamagana

Picha ya pamoja.


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...