Sunday, 19 March 2017


Madini ya Tanzanite ambayo yanapatikana eneo la mererani pekee duniani yakiwa tayari yamekatwa na kusanifiwa sasa yatauzwa kimataifa katika kituo kitakachonjengwa Arusha 

Mtaalamu wa kukata madini Adam Idd Lacha akiwa anakata na kusanifu madini ya Tanzanite ya kampuni ya Tanzanite one ambayo ndio inatoa mafunzo hayo. 

Waziri wa nchi ofisi ya Rais (TAMISEMI) George Simbachawene akiwa anapewa maelezo juu ya madini ya Tanzanite , na wakurugenzi wa Tanzanite One, Faisal Juma na Hussein Gonga. Alipokuwa katika kituo cha kuuza madini cha kampuni hiyo. 

Mmoja wa wakurugenzi wa kampuni ya Sky Associate Group, Faisal Juma Shahbhai akizungumza na madali wanawake wa madini 

Muonekano wa Mgodi wa kisasa wa uchimbaji madini wa tanzanite One Mererani kwa nje. PICHA ZOTE NA MUSSA JUMA


Kampuni ya Tanzanite One, imetoa msaada wa Sh 20 milioni kwa chama cha Madalali wanawake,wanaouza madini ya Tanzanite mkoani Arusha .

Wakurugenzi wa kampuni hiyo, inayomilikiwa kwa pamoja na kampuni ya Sky Associate Ltd na shirika la madini la taifa(STAMICO), Faisal Shabhai na Hussein Gonga walitangaza uamuzi huo wakati wakizungumza na madalali , katika ukumbi wa polisi jijini hapa.

Faisal alisema kampuni yao ambayo inachimba Tanzanite, imetoa msaada wa sh 20 milioni,ili kuendelea kutekeleza mahusiano mema na wadau wa Tanzanite na jamii ya wanawake ambao wanajihusisha na biashara ya kuuza madini hayo.

Alisema msaada huo, umetokana na maombi ya wanawake hao, kusaidiwa waliyotoa katika mkutano wa mkuu wa mkoa wa Arusha, Mrisho Gambo na viongozi wa Tanzanite One.

Katika hatua nyingine kampuni hiyo imetenga kiasi cha sh 200 milioni kwa ajili ya mradi wa ujenzi wa hospitali ya kisasa Mererani.

Gonga alisema kwa sasa tayari wametoa matofali 65,000 ambayo yapo eneo ambalo itajengwa hospitali hiyo ili kuondoa matatizo ya ukosefu huduma za afya katika mji wa Mererani.

Awali Mwenyekiti wa chama hicho, Eugen Augustine alisema madalali wa madini wanawake mkoani Arusha, wanakabiliwa na tatizo la mtaji mdogo na hivyo kushindwa kunufaika na biashara yao.

Alisema kutokana na tatizo hilo, ndio sababu waliomba msaada kwa Mkuu wa mkoa wa Arusha na Tanzanite One ili wasaidiwe.

Katika hatua nyingine, Kampuni hiyo, imetoa msaada wa mahindi magunia 250 kwa wananchi wakazi wa kata ya Naisinyai ikiwa ni sehemu ya mchango wa kampuni hiyo kwa jamii inayozunguka migodi yake.

Faisal alisema msaada huo, utasaidia makundi maalum katika jamii na ni utekelezaji wa agizo la Waziri Mkuu, Kassim Majaliwa kushauri kampuni hiyo, iongeze misaada kwa jamii inayowazunguka.

Kampuni ya Tanzanite One inamilikiwa kwa pamoja na kampuni ya Sky Associate Ltd na shirika la madini la taifa(STAMICO).


BORN Short Living Tall (BSLT) Executive Director Ntalasha Chisha has condemned UPND members of parliament for boycotting President Edgar Lungu’s state of the nation address in parliament yesterday.

Chisha says the behavior must be strongly condemned by all well-meaning Zambians as it is not a good sign for the country’s young democracy.

“Let us not import bad political tendencies that will leave a damaging impact on our democracy. This is being said in good spirit knowing that political offices are not permanent and each of us have an equal chance to lead someday. The questions we should ask then is are we sowing good seeds or bad seeds? Chisha asks.

She says the role of MPs is to serve and represent the needs of people who put them in power, to advocate, protect and promote the interests of people who put them in power as well as scrutinize legislation and debate various national issues and attend to issues of business in the house.

And Chisha says by failing to represent the people who voted for them, means that they are failing the nation too.

“The UPND MPs are setting a very dangerous political precedence; their negative actions have a damaging impact on the future,” she says.

She has therefore urged both government and the opposition political parties to sort out their differences.
“It is time we started practicing a different kind of politics, For the sake of this nation. We are saying this because such actions bleed confusion, hatred and tribalism. Such actions spur a physiological boost on those against the unity of this nation. Our MPs should be in the forefront of promoting peace among all Zambians in the spirit of One Zambia One Nation. Zambia is for all of us and is a Christian nation. We therefore urge the church to find ways of bridging these burnt political gaps,” Chisha adds.

“Furthermore, the role of the opposition is to work with the government of the day by supporting it for all the developmental projects it is undertaking and offer amicable solutions to the many pressing problems such as poverty overwhelming the majority Zambians. The opposition parties can make meaningful contributions through Parliamentary debates in the formulation of policies for the country. This is important because at the end of the day, these formulated policies should impact positively in the lives of many people regardless of political affiliation.”

Chisha has further urged the Opposition parties as part of the governance system of the country to play their role accordingly in the quest to foster peace, unity and development by providing checks and balances.

“They should not perceive those in the ruling party as enemies by attacking them all the time. Old politics have ways of creating enmity, the new politics we need to practice as a nation should not tolerate such divisions,” says Chisha.



Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...