Wednesday, 9 November 2016


THE National Form Four Examinations which kicked off on November 2nd this year are progressing well, but some education stakeholders advised the government through National Educational Council of Tanzania (NECTA) to provide ‘special exams’ for candidates who are ill, injured or bereaved.

According to one education practitioner, who is also community development and project management personnel, Creptone Madunda, stress of compressing months of hard work into couple of hours takes its toll on body and mind.

He told the SIMBAYABLOG on Sunday yesterday that during the summer exam season, thousands of students have to sit papers in discomfort or in extreme cases, miss them altogether.

“For instance, someone has bad fever or maybe they have broken their arms, so they cannot write properly…,” Madunda expressed.

He urged the government through NECTA which oversees O-level and A-level exams to allow ‘special arrangement’ for those suffering ‘temperately disabilities’, illness and dispositions to sit for exams. 

He said the recommends that affected candidates must reach the school/education officers as soon as possible so that in turn can contact exams board straight away.

“It may be possible to take students’ condition into account when their papers are marked,” he pointed out.

In the current situation candidates are forced to do their exams while on hospital beds with drips and surrounded by police and invigilators.

He said the government should come up with new idea of handling the exams for candidates who are ill and have family problems before the exams approaching.

He said the must be a report from ward education coordinator and district education officers to examination council of Tanzania (NECTA) and ministry of education.

He said they must be good coordination between the ward education officers, district education officers, students and NECTA.

America divided as Donald Trump wins historic US election victory

Donald Trump triumphs in shock US election victory IBTimes UK

Donald Trump has sent shock waves across the world, sweeping to an unprecedented victory in the US election. The 70-year-old billionaire defeated his bitter rival Hillary Clinton after a ugly campaign that was dogged at every turn by racism, bigotry and scandal.

A political outsider who alienated Republicans as well as Democrats during his campaign for the nomination and then the White House, Trump demolished Clinton in key swing states including Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, in which he won 52.2% of the vote to her 43.3%.

In his acceptance speech, Trump struck a conciliatory tone, congratulating his rival for her campaign and her service and pledging to "put America back together again."

Despite early hopes that Clinton had a chance of winning Florida and, at one point, even Texas, Trump seized both states and their joint 29 and 38 electoral college votes early in what was a dramatic and historic night for American politics. He went on to take Iowa from Clinton with a huge 10.1% margin.

On the eve of the election Five-Thirty-Eight gave the former secretary of state a 68.5% chance of winning the election over Trump's 31.5%. Reuters put Clinton's odds at 90% ahead of the vote.

But even as a Trump victory appeared inevitable, Clinton had hope she could win key states such as Michigan, New Hampshire and Wisconsin. Despite late wins in Nevada and Minnesota the Democratic candidate could not get to the 270 electoral college votes she needed for the presidency.
A Trump supporter celebrates at an election night event in New YorkJoe Raedle/Getty Images

Trump's unprecedented success came after a bitter and divisive campaign, during which he verbally abused his rivals, insulted the family of a deceased war hero, demanded for Clinton to be jailed and was accused of a string of sexual assaults that led prominent Republicans to disown his campaign.

He has no political background and had never run for political office when he opted to enter the race for the Republican nomination in June 2015.

The night was not only a disaster for Clinton, thwarted in her second – and likely her last – attempt at securing the presidency, but for the Democrats as a whole. The Republicans won control of both the House and the Senate, allowing them to push forward their legislative programme.

Clinton's campaign was harmed by third party votes, including those for Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party candidate Jill Stein. In Florida, Stein and Johnson won over 250,000 votes, more than what she needed to beat Trump. Clinton would have won Pennsylvania, a key battleground state, if Stein supporters had given their vote to her.

The result has shone a light on the deep division in American between wealthy elites, which Clinton is believed to represent by many, and the white working poor that suffered so acutely during and after the financial crisis. In district after district, it was rural communities that opted for Trump's protectionist and anti-immigration message.

Trump will also look to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, ensuring a conservative majority in the high court and allowing Republicans to push back on gay marriage, women's reproductive rights and the Affordable Care Act.

Alastair Campbell, a British strategist and for director of communications and strategy for former Prime Minister Tony Blair, said that it was difficult to see how a divisive leader such as Trump would heal the obvious divisions in American society that his success had exposed.

"Now that Trump has won, the world holds its breath even more nervously. From world trade to climate change, from the future of Nato to the war on Islamic terrorism, some very big issues that impact upon us all have tilted somewhat on their axis," Campbell wrote in a column for IBTimesUK.

The world financial markets reacted early on Wednesday as Trump's victory began to look likely ,with gold prices spiking and Asian markets opening lower. The dollar fell as much as 3.5% against the yen, the worst one-day decline since Brexit.


Hospitali ya Rufaa ya Mkoa wa Iringa itaendesha Kliniki ya kupima ugonjwa wa Kisukari na Shinikizo la Damu kwa wananchi wa Manispaa ya Iringa na maeneo yanayozunguka Manispaa hiyo. 

Kliniki hiyo itazinduliwa tarehe 10/11/2016 na itaendelea kwa siku tano mfululizo hadi tarehe 14/11/2016 siku mbayo ni kilele cha Maadhimisho ya Siku ya Kisukari Duniani.

Akizungumza na SIMBAYABLOG leo (Jumatano) Afisa wa Habari Mkoa wa Iringa Dennis Gondwe, alisema huduma za upimaji zitafanyika katika Bustani ya Manispaa ya Iringa kuanzia saa 2:00 Asubuhi hadi saa 10.30 Jioni kila siku, na kuongeza kuwa huduma zote zitatolewa bure.

Siku ya Kisukari Duniani ilianzishwa mwaka 1991 na Mashirika mawili ya kimataifa yaani World Health Organization (WHO) na International Diabetes Federation (IDF) baada ya kuona ugonjwa wa Kisukari unaongezeka sana Duniani na Siku hiyo huadhimishwa Duniani kote kila mwaka ifikao tarehe 14 Novemba. 

Alisema kuwa Mkoa wa Iringa kama maeneo mengine Duniani unaadhimisha siku hii, kwa Hospitali ya Rufaa ya Mkoa kupima wananchi wake ili waweze kufahamu hali zao na pia kutoa elimu ya umuhimu wa kuzuia na kujikinga na madhara yatokanayo na ugonjwa wa kisukari.

Ugonjwa wa Kisukari ni hali ambayo hutokea wakati sukari katika damu inapokuwa nyingi kupita kiwango cha kawaida kwa muda mrefu. 

Sukari hutumiwa na mwili ili kupata nishati lishe. Ili mwili uweze kutumia sukari inayotokana na vyakula, unahitaji kichocheo cha insulin. 

Insulin husaidia sukari kuingia kwenye chembechembe hai ili kutengeneza nishati lishe. Ugonjwa wa kisukari unasababishwa na kichocheo hiki kupungua au kutofanya kazi kama inavyotakiwa.

Hivyo kiwango cha kisukari kinabaki kikubwa kwenye damu kwa sababu sukari haikuwezeshwa kuingia kwenye chembechembe hai za mwili.

“Mara nyingi, watu wengi hawajitambui kuwa wana ugonjwa huu. Wengine wanakuwa na dalili lakini hawachukui hatua mapema,” alisema Gondwe. 

Alisema kuwa dalili za kisukari ni rahisi kuzitambua. Dalili hizo ni: kiu isiyoisha, kukojoa mara kwa mara, kupungua uzito, kusikia njaa kila wakati na mwili kukosa nguvu. Mwananchi yeyote akiwa na dalili hizi aende hospitali au katika kituo cha Afya ukapime sukari. 

Hata hivyo, afisa habari huyo ametoa wito kwa wananchi wa Mkoa wa Iringa kuzingatia ulaji unaofaa wa vyakula. 

Aliseam kuwa ulaji unaofaa ni kula chakula mchanganyiko cha kukutosha kukua na kuwa na uzito wa kawaida na chenye virutubisho vyote vinavyohitajika mwilini. 

Kwa mfano vyakula vya wanga vinasaidia kuupa mwili nguvu na joto, protini husaidia kujenga mwili na kutengeneza vichocheo mbalimbali, vitamin na madini hulinda mwili dhidi ya magonjwa.

“Wananchi wetu lazima kujiepusha na kula vyakula bila kuzingatia aina na kiasi kulingana na mahitaji ya mwili. Ulaji huu huweza kusababisha kupungua au kuzidi kwa virutubishi mwilini,” aliseam afisa habari huyo.

Ulaji usiofaa ni pamoja na kula vyakula vyenye mafuta mengi hasa yale yatokanayo na wanyama, kula vyakula vyenye chumvi nyingi, sukari nyingi, kula chakula kupita kiasi, kukoboa nafaka na kutokula mbogamboga na matunda kiasi cha kutosha.

Mambo yanayoongeza uwezekano wa kupata magonjwa yasiyo ya kuambukiza ni pamoja na ulaji usiofaa hasa matumizi ya chumvi kwa wingi, mafuta na sukari, uzito uliozidi, unene uliokithiri, kutofanya mazoezi, uvutaji wa sigara na bidhaa zitokanazo na tumbaku, unywaji pombe kupita kiasi na msongo wa mawazo.

Ili kuzuia ugonjwa wa kisukari na maradhi mengine yasiyo ya kuambukiza ni muhimu kufuata kanuni za afya ambazo ni ulaji bora, na mtindo bora wa maisha ambao ukifuatwa vyema huweza kwa kiasi kikubwa kuzuia mtu kupata kisukari au kwa mtu ambaye tayari ana ugonjwa wa kisukari hupunguza uwezekano wa kupata madhara makubwa ya kiafya.

Presidential Election Results: Donald J. Trump Wins

Hillary Clinton
Donald J. Trump
270 to win
No results

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