Na Friday Simbaya, Iringa
Jeshi la Polisi mkoa wa Iringa linamtafuta Amosi Legunji,
mkulima kwa tuhuma za kuhusika na mauaji ya mke wa ndoa aliyetambulika kwa jina
Helena Mhangawi (33), kwa kumchinja shingo pamoja na kumwondoa sehemu zake siri
na kutoweka kusikojulikana.
Akiongea na waandishi wa habari Kamanda wa Polisi
mkoa Iringa ofisini kwake leo , Ramadhani Mungi alisema kuwa tukio hilo
limetokea kijiji cha Mafuruto kilichopo katika Kata ya Mlowa, Tarafa ya Idodi Wilaya
ya Iringa vijijini mkoa Iringa.
Awali mke wa mtuhumiwa alipotea katika mazingira ya
kutatanisha tangu Septemba 23 majira ya saa 2 usiku mwaka huu, ambapo mchana wa
Septemba 25 mwili wake ulikutwa na majeraha sehemu mbalimbali huko shingo yake
ikiwa imechinjwa pamoja na kuondoa sehemu za siri. Chanzo cha tukio hilo bado
By Friday Simbaya, Iringa
Police in Iringa Region are
looking for Legunji Amos, a farmer
on suspicion of involvement in the
murder of his
wife who recognized by the name
of Helena Mhangawi (33), by killing her and
removing her private parts and pierced her with sharp
instrument on the neck and vanished into thin air.
Speaking to journalists in his office today Iringa Regional Police Commander in, Ramadhani Mungi said that the incident occurred in
a village located in Mafuruto village, Mlowa Ward, Idodi Division, Iringa rural
district in Iringa region.
Initially the wife of the accused was lost in
controversial circumstances since
Sept. 23 at 2
night summer this
year, where the afternoon of
Sept. 25 his body was found with wounds
in different parts of his neck as well as removing her genitals.
The source of the event still not known but police is investigating
into the matter.