Thursday, 24 December 2015


MKUU wa Wilaya Mufindi, Jowike Kasunga amewataka wananchi wa Kijiji cha Itengule, Kata ya Malangali kuharakisha ujenzi wa ofisi ya masijala ya ardhi unaoendelea katika kijiji hicho ili uweze kukamilika haraka kwa ajili ya kuhifadhi vifaa vya masijala. 

Katika hotuba yake hiyo iliyosomwa na Katibu Tawala wa Wilaya ya Mufindi Allan Bernard kwa niaba yake jana, alisema kuwa wananchi kwa kushirikiana na serikali yao ya kijiji wanatakiwa kushiriki katika ujenzi wa ofisi ya masijala ili, kabati la chuma, mhuri wa moto (lakiri) na daftari la usajili wa hati za kimila viweze kuhifadhiwa salama.

Jumla ya wananchi 296 wa kijiji cha itengule wapatiwa hati za hakimiliki za kimila na halmashauri ya wilaya ya mufindi kwa msaada ya taasisi Haki ardhi katika mkutano wa hadhara uliofanyika kijijini hapo jana.

Kasunga alisema kuwa wananchi wa Kijiji cha Itengule ni lazima watunze hati hizo za kimila vizuri kwa ajili ya manufaa yao wenyewe, ikiwa ni pamoja na kuzitumia hati hizo kama dhamana kwa shughuli mbalimbali za kiuchumi.

Aliongeza kuwa hati za kimila zinaweza kutumika kama dhamana katika taasisi mbalimbali za kifedha kwa ajili ya kupatiwa mikopo na hatimaye kuboresha maisha yao.

Taasisi ya Hakiardhi imewezesha upatikanaji wa vifaa vya masijala kwa vijiji vinne vya Itengule, Itulituli, Igomaa na Tambalang’ombe.

Aidha, halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Mufindi, mkoani Iringa imepima mipaka ya vijiji 113 kati ya 114 vilivyopo katika halmashauri hiyo. 

Akisoma taarifa kuhusu shughuli za ugawaji hati za hakimiliki za kimila katika Kijiji cha Itengule jana Ofisa Ardhi Mteule Leonard Jaka alisema kuwa bado kijiji kimoja (1) cha Mpanga Tazara ambacho kimepangwa kupimwa katika kipindi cha mwaka huu wa fedha.

Jaka alisema shughuli ya urasimishaji wa ardhi wilayani Mufindi kwa madhumuni ya utoaji wa hati za hakimiliki za kimila vijijini ulianza katika kipindi cha mwaka wa fedha 2010/2011.

Halmashauri hiyo kwa kushirikiana na Hakiardhi ambayo ni taasisi ya inayoshughulisha na masuala ya utafiti na utetezi wa haki za ardhi, wamegawa hati za hakimiliki za kimila 296 kwa wananchi wa kijiji cha Itengule, kata ya Malangali wakiwemo wajane. 

Alisema kuwa vijiji 45 kati ya 114 vinayo mipango ya matumizi ya ardhi ambapo juhudi zinaendelea kwa vijiji vingine kwa kutenga fedha kwenye bajeti kila mwaka na kuwahusisha wadau wengine.

Alisema kuwa halmashauri pia imeandaa vyeti vya vijiji (Village Land Certificate) 92 kati ya 114 ambapo jitihada zinaendelea ili kukamilisha vijiji 22 vilivyobaki kwa kufuatilia ramani za vijiji 19 Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Makazi.

Halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Mufindi kwa kushirikana na Hakiardhi ilianza kazi ya utoaji wa hati za hakimiliki za kimila ambapo mpaka sasa hati 1,661 zimetolewa katika vijiji mbalimbali wilayani humo.

“Katika kipindi cha mwaka 2015/16 halmashauri imetenga katika bajeti yake kiasi cha 12,000,000/- kwa ajili ya mchakato wa utoaji wa elimu ya sheria za ardhi na hatimiliki za kimila ambapo imeandaa pia mpango wa kuwashirikisha wananchi katika kupima ardhi yao ili mchakato wa utoaji wa hatimiliki za kimila uwe enedelevu,” alisema Jaka.

Wananchi wa Kijiji cha Itengule, Kata ya Malangali waliishukuru Taasisi ya Hakiardhi pamoja na halmashauri ya Wilaya ya Mufindi kwa kuwapatia hati za hatimiliki za kimila na kusema pia hati hizo zitasaidia kuondoa migogoro ya ardhi hasa ile ya mipaka.

Venanza George ambaye ni mjane alisema kuwa baadhi ya wanaume kijijini hapo walikuwa na tabia ya kupokonya wanawake ardhi na pengine baada ya kufiwa na wanaume zao, ndugu kwa upande wa wanaume uchukuwa vitu vyote vya marehemu. 

Lakini kwa sasa wameweza kutafuta haki yao hivyo haki ya kumiliki ardhi kwa wanawake hasa wajane imetambuliwa na imeanza kutekelezwa kwa vitendo.

Kwa upande wake, Ofisa ufuatilaji na tathmini wa taasisi ya Hakiardhi Allan Baino alisema kuwa Hakiardhi kwa kushirikiana na halmashauri ya wilaya ya mufindi imeendesha shughuli ya utoaji wa elimu ya masuala ya ardhi, utawala na mabadiliko ya tabianchi katika vijiji 30.

Baino alisema kuwa lengo la mradi ulikuwa ni kutoa uelewa mpana kwa jamii juu ya sheria ya ardhi, utawala vijijini na mabadiliko ya tabianchi iliweze kuzalisha chakula na kuwa na usalama wa chakula hususani kwa wazalishaji wadogo.

Alisema kuwa jumla ya 15 katika wilaya ya mufindi vimepatiwa elimu ya ardhi, utawala na mabadiliko ya tabianchi ambavyo ni Itengule, Mwilavila, Itulituli, Kihanga, Mninga, Kitiru, Ikimilinzowo na Nyololo-Shlueni.

Vingine ni Nzivi, Ukemele, Ihegele, Ikweha, Uyela, Igeleke na Vikula, sawa na asilimia 100 ya lengo ya mradi.

Hadi mwaka wa fedha 2015/2016 jumla ya mashamba na viwanja 1,554 vimepimwa ambavyo ni Kisasa, Magunguli, Wami-Mbalwe, Itengule, Itulituli, Igomaa na Tambalang’ombe.

Shirika la Hakiardhi liliandaa bajeti ya kazi ya urasimishaji wa mashamba na viwanja Wilaya ya Mufindi 105,960,000/- kwa lengo la kurasimisha ardhi na kununua vifaa vya masijala vijijini.

Aidha, taasisi hiyo imewezesha upatikanaji wa vifaa vya masijala kwa vijiji vinne vya Itengule, Itulituli, Igomaa na Tambalang,ombe.

Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Find out what causes stretch marks during pregnancy, how you can (possibly) avoid these classic souvenirs of maternity, and what you can do about them.

Most pregnant women fear them. Many won't even talk about them. Some particularly enlightened ones wear them proudly as a "red badge of motherhood." Yep, they're pregnancy stretch marks - and though your baby's not even born yet, she's already started to leave her mark when you're somewhere around 13 weeks to 21 weeks pregnant. More than half of all expecting women get these pink or red (sometimes purplish) streaks; you'll most likely notice them across your belly, butt, thighs, hips, and breasts.


Stretch marks are actually tiny tears in the supporting layers of tissue under your skin as it's pulled tight to the limit during pregnancy. Susceptibility has lots to do with genetics: Chances are, if your mother got them, you probably will too - while if she sailed through her pregnancies with smooth skin intact, you'll probably stay as smooth as your baby's butt. Rapid pregnancy weight gain can also make you more likely to get stretch marks. And darker-skinned women are less likely to get stretch marks as fair-skinned gals (plus they're not as visible on dark skin).


Try as you might to avoid stretch marks, there's no proven way to treat them or to stop them from zigzagging their way across your body. Fortunately, they won't stay so vividly hued forever. After delivery, they usually fade to a less noticeable (and more easily concealable) silvery gray color. Meanwhile, try to wear them with pride.


Whether or not you get pregnancy stretch marks is usually a matter of genetics - but there are a few ways to try avoiding them (or at least to slow down the stretch):

Moisturize. Cocoa butter certainly won't hurt (though no stretch mark cream is the miracle cure it's touted as). If nothing else, moisturizing daily will help with the dryness and itchy skinassociated with pregnancy (plus it's fun to have your partner rub some onto your belly!).

Nourish your skin from the inside. Plenty of vitamin C foods in your pregnancy diet may also help keep your skin toned and less subject to stretch marks.

Watch your weight. Keep an eye on that scale during pregnancy and put your pounds on slow and steady instead of in big spurts. Keep in mind that eating for two doesn't mean literally eating twice as much - so as much as possible, try to follow the general recommendations for caloric intake during pregnancy.

Wait it out. Of course you wanted a solution yesterday. But keep in mind that your dermatologist can offer treatments such as Retin-A or laser therapy after you give birth. (Neither is safe for pregnancy - plus, the stretching ain't over till it's over.)

Thanks for an awesome year

Our 2015 year was pretty sweet

We know you have high standards. That is why we spent 2015 building, improving and optimizing your favorite SIMBAYA BLOG. We have worked hard to make our blog smaller, faster and more powerful. 

Your standards are high and we work hard to meet those expectations by pushing ourselves to improve performance and experimenting with new ideas. We can never rest on our success.

As 2015 draws to a close we want to take a minute to look back at the achievements of our engineering team. 

Our people are the best in the business and often we take for granted the work that they do. 2015 was a year of focusing on the fundamentals.

Thank you for being awesome readers. Have a great holiday season and a wonderful New Year.


Thailand backpacker murders: bar workers sentenced to death for killing British tourists

Bar workers Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo found guilty of the murder of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

Hannah Witheridge and David Miller were murdered while on holiday in Koh Tao, Thailand, in September 2014. Photograph: PA

Oliver Holmes and agencies

A court in Thailand has convicted two Myanmar men of the murder of two British backpackers on the holiday island of Koh Tao in September 2014.

Hannah Witheridge, 23, from Norfolk, and David Miller, 24, from Jersey, were found by the rocks on Sairee beach, both with severe head wounds.

After an extended trial on the neighbouring island of Koh Samui, bar workers Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo, both 22, were found guilty on Thursday of the rape and murder of Witheridge and the murder of Miller.

They were both sentenced to death by three judges who maintained that the DNA evidence that connected the men to the killings and rape was “up to international standards”.

The verdict had previously been expected in October but was delayed to give the defence extra time after three months of witness testimony.

The mothers of the two convicted men cried as their sons were escorted out of court, metal chains around their feet. The defence told the Guardian that there would be an appeal – a process which could take several months.

Minutes later outside the court, Michael Miller, David’s brother, gave a statement with his father, Ian, and mother, Sue, standing by his side.

He said: “David was hacked from behind, dragged into the sea, and left to die. That will live with us forever.

“What happened to Hannah Witheridge is unspeakable.

“We believe that the result today represents justice for David and Hannah. Ultimately, Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo obtained the best possible representation in court by a team of seven lawyers.

“David always stood up for justice and justice is what has been delivered today. We came to realise that the police investigation and the forensic work performed was not the so-called shambles it was made out to be.

“We believe that, after a difficult start, the Royal Thai Police conducted a methodical and thorough investigation.”

— Oliver Holmes (@olireports) December 24, 2015

As Miller spoke, the wails of the mothers of the two convicted men could be heard from inside the court house.

— Oliver Holmes (@olireports) December 24, 2015

"We respect this court and its decision completely"

The Witheridge family had remained in the UK for the verdict but both families had visited the court over the Thai summer to observe the legal process.

During the trial police said Zaw Lin and Wai Phyo had been motivated by sexual jealousy after seeing the Britons together on the beach. But the defendants later said they had been tortured during interrogation and forced to sign a confession.

The judges on Thursday said there was no evidence that either had been tortured.

Facebook Twitter Pinterest Myanmar migrant workers Wai Phyo (L) and Zaw Lin (R), attend a press conference with police on the beach of Koh Tao Island in 2014. Photograph: STR/EPA

The case against them however rested heavily on sperm collected from the crime scene, samples they say were taken from Witheridge’s body. But when the defence asked for an independent retest, officers failed to retrieve the samples and one officer suggested they had been destroyed.

Wai Phyo told the court during the last two days of witness testimony in October that a police officer took photos of him naked. “They also kicked me in the back, punched me and slapped me; threatened to chop off my arms and legs, and throw my body into the sea to feed the fish. They also said they would take me into another room and electrocute me.”

Thai authorities also had been criticised for parading the suspects on the beach to re-enact the murders in front of the media – a common practice in Thai investigations that is condemned as suggesting a suspect’s guilt.

Maya Foa, director of the death penalty team at international human rights charity Reprieve reacted to the verdict saying: “There are credible allegations that these two young men were tortured into ‘confessing,’ and we know that they have been subjected to numerous unfair trial practices.

“It is therefore deeply alarming that they have been sentenced to death, as without a fair trial serious doubts over their guilt will remain. No one would disagree that those responsible for this crime need to be held to account. But it is hard to see how a trial as flawed and unfair as this one can provide any confidence that justice has been served.”


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...