Monday, 11 June 2018

Muslims have to do good deeds even after Ramadhan

Katibu wa Bakwata mkoani Iringa Kabigili

By Friday Simbaya, Iringa 

Islamic believers in the country have been encouraged to focus on ethics by doing good deeds in society, throughout the period they will be in the Holy Month of Ramadan and after the end of that month. 

Sheikh Abubakari Chalamila for Iringa Region gave a statement at a breakfasting organized by the Tanzania Muslims Council (BWAKATA) and attended by over 350 invited guests in Iringa yesterday. 

He said that Islam is a religion of peace so that a man may be close to his Creator should increase the worship and do good things especially in the month of Ramadhan. 

"The month of Ramadhani's destiny we have to perform worship and to execute the oath as required, we have to expand the worship, be patient, obedient, disciplined and multiply our faith for all time," said Sheikh Chamilala. 

Sheikh explained that many people have been attracted to things that are losing time and inexperienced and unprofitable in their lives, in the sense that they cease to do good deeds that please God. 

"There are considerable observations within the Holy Month, as we increase our faith and gain a range of benefits that will add to our actions," he added. 

Sheikh Chalamila added that "People should be more focused on worship, as we shut the moon for a year again it's only a few days so people have to be patient is a short transition period, but you will find people getting lazy later the moon goes without doing any important worship." 


Waislamu waaswa kutenda matendo mema hata baada ya Ramadhan

Na Friday Simbaya, Iringa 

Waumini wa Kiislamu nchini wamehaswa kuzingatia maadili kwa kufanya matendo mema katika jamii, kwa kipindi chote watakachokuwa kwenye funga ya Mwezi Mtukufu wa Ramadhan na baada ya kuisha kwa mwezi huo. 

Sheikh wa Mkoa wa Iringa Abubakari Chalamila alitoa kauli wakati wa futari ilioandaliwa na Baraza la Waislamu Tanzania (BWAKATA) na kuhudhuriwa na walikwa zaidi ya 350 mjini Iringa jana. 

Alisema kuwa Uislam ni dini ya amani hivyo ili mja aweze kuwa karibu na Muumba wake anatakiwa kuzidisha ibada na kufanya mambo yaliyo mema hasa kwenye mwezi wa Ramadhani. 

“Mwezi wa funga wa Ramadhani tunatakiwa kufanya ibada na kutekeleza funga kama inavyotakiwa, tunatakiwa kuzidisha ibada, tuwe na subira, utiifu, nidhamu pamoja na kuzidisha imani yetu kwa muda wote,” alisema Sheikh Chamilala. 

sheikh alieleza kuwa, watu wengi wamekuwa wakivutiwa na mambo yanayopoteza wakati na yasiyo na mazingatio wala manufaa katika maisha yao, hali ya kuwa wakiacha kufanya matendo mema yanayompendeza Mwenyezi Mungu. 

“Kuna mazingatio makubwa yanayopatikana ndani ya Mwezi Mtukufu, kama kuongeza imani zetu na kupata faradhi mbalimbali zitakazoongeza swawabu kwa matendo tunayoyafanya,” aliongeza. 

Sheikh Chalamila aliongezea kuwa “Watu wanatakiwa kujikita zaidi kwenye ibada, kwani tunafunga mwezi kwa mwaka tena ni siku chache hivyo watu wanatakiwa kuwa wavumilivu ni kipindi kifupi cha mpito, lakini utakuta watu wanaingia uvivu hatimaye mwezi unaisha bila ya kufanya ibada zozote muhimu.”


Na Friday Simbaya, Iringa 

Serikali kupitia wakala wa Usajili Ufilisi na Udhamini (RITA) kwa kushirikiana na Shirika la Umoja la Mafaita la kuhudumia watoto (UNICEF) na taasisi ya Bloomberg Data for Health pamoja na wadau maendeleo wengine imeanza kutekeleza mpango wa majaribio wa kusajili vifo mkoani Iringa. 

Kaimu Ofisa Mtendaji Mkuu wa RITA, Emmy Hudson alisema hayo jana wakati wa kikao cha hamasa kwa viongozi wa mkoa na wilaya kuhusu majaribio ya mpango wa usajili wa vifo. 

Alisema kuwa kwa mara pili, Mkoa wa Iringa umepewa nafasi yakutekeleza mpango wa majaribio ya usajili wa vifo baada ya kufanya vizuri katika mpango wa maboresho ya mfumo wa usajili wa vizazi kwa watoto walio umri chini ya miaka mitano. 

Hudson alisema kuwa mkoa wa Iringa baada ya kufanya vizuri katika mpango wa maboresho ya mfumo wa usajili wa vizazi kwa kundi la watoto chini ya miaka mitano ambao ulianza kutekelezwa mwaka 2016, umepewa nafasi tena nafasi ya kutekeleza majaribio ya vifo. 

“Tumefanikiwa katika vizazi, sasa hatuna budi kukamilisha hii jozi (pair). Tunanza majaribio kwa ajili ya kugatua majukumu ya usajili wa vifo hapa mkoani Iringa ambapo matokeo yatakayopatikana yatatumika kuboresha mfumo kabla ya kuanza kuenezwa nchi nzima, ” alisema Hudson. 

Kikao hicho pia kilishirikisha wada mbalimabli wakiwemo viongozi wa dini na wanahabari kama sehemu muhimu ya jamii. 

Alifafanua kuwa lengo la kuwashirikisha viongozi dini mbalimbali ni kwa vile vifo vititokea watu wanakimbilia kwenye nyumba za ibada. 

Alisema kuwa viongozi wa dini watawasaidia kutumia fursa walionazo katika kuelimisha wananchi kuhusu umuhimu wa kusajili matukio ya vifo. 

Tofauti na vizazi, kwa mujibu wa takwimu za vifo zaidi ya asilimia 85 vinavyotekea nyumbani wengi huzikwa bila kufika hospitali lakini hao wote huwawanishia kwa viongozi wa dini katika mazishi. 

Hudson aliongeza kuwa wanahabari kama sehemu ya jamii wananafasi kubwa ya kufikisha ujumbe sahihi kwa jamii kuhusu usajili wa vifo, hivyo basi, wanombwa ushirikiano katika mfumo huo wa usajili wa vifo. 

Naye, Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Iringa Amina Masenza ambaye alikuwa mgeni rasmi katika kikao hicho cha hamasa aliwapongeza RITA katika mageuzi wanayoendelea kuyatekeleza katika maeneo mbalimbali nchini. 

Alisema kuwa taasisi nyingi zina mengi ya kujifunza hasa katika suala la kusogeza huduma karibu na makazi ya wananchi kwa kugatua madaraka. 

Alisema kuwa kifo ni tukio linalosababisha huzuni kwa sababu hutenganisha na wale tunowapenda ikimanisha hatutaweza kuwa nao tena katika maisha, pamoja hali hiyo, ni muhimu kuandikisha tukio hilo ili kupata cheti cha kifo ambacho kinatumika kama uthibisho wa kisheria wa kifo, aliongeza. 

Masenza alisema kuwa woga wa kifo walionao wananchi unaenda mbele zaidi kusababisha wengi kutosajili matukio ya vifo na kufanya nchi kuwa na wastani wa asilimia 17.5 ya vifo vinavyosajiliwa. 

Alisema kuwa wananchi wanatakiwa kuona uhusiano kati ya kusajili kifo cha ndugu yao na maendeleo ya nchi ili serikali iwezekupanga mipango yake ya maendeleo. 

“Nafahamu zipo nchi ambazo walishaacha kufanya sense kama tunavyofanya kila baada ya miaka kumi na kutumia fedha nyingi kwani nchi hizo wameweka utaratibu ambapo kila mtoto anayezaliwa anasajiliwa na kila mtu anayefariki anasajiliwa hivyo kuwa na takwimu za wananchi wake kila siku,” alsema masenza. 

Aidha, mkuu wa mkoa huyo alitoa rai kwa RITA kutoa fursa ya kuwaeleimisha viongozi wa mikoa umuhimu wa kuandika wosia na kwamba sio uchuro bali ni kwa faida ya familia watakayoiacha mara watakapoondoka duniani. 

Hata hivyo, masenza waliwataka viongozi wa mkoa na wilaya, viongozi wa dini, wanahabari, wadau wa maendeleo na wananchi kwa ujumla kushiriki kikamilifu katika kutekeleza majario ya mpango wa usajili vifo. 


By Friday Simbaya, Iringa 

The Government through the Registration Insolvency and Trusteeship Agency (RITA) in collaboration with the UNICEF and the Bloomberg Data for Health Institute and other development partners has begun to implement the program of registering deaths in Iringa region on experiment basis. 

Acting Chief Executive Officer of RITA, Emmy Hudson said yesterday during a sensitization meeting for regional and district officials about the death registration program trials. 

She said that for the second time, Iringa region has been given an opportunity to implement a death registration test plan after doing well in the program for the development of birth registration system for children under the age of five. 

Hudson said that the Iringa region after doing well in the program for the birth registration of children under the age of five, which began to be implemented in 2016, has been given a chance to implement deaths registration by issuing death certificates the deceased families. 

"We've succeeded in birth registration, now we have to finish this pair (death). We are launching death registration tests to resolve the death registration challenges here in Iringa region where the results will be used to improve the system before it can be broadcast across the country, "said Hudson. 

The sensitization meeting also incorporated different stakeholders including religious leaders and journalists as an integral part of society. 

She explained that the goal of involving various religious leaders is that deaths occur when people run to worshipping homes to pray for their beloved ones. 

She said religious leaders would help them use their opportunities in educating the people about the importance of registering death cases. 

Unlike the birth registration, according to the records, more than 85 percent of the deaths are reported to occur at home, many are buried without access to hospitals but all bring them to the religious leaders in the burial. 

Hudson added that media as part of the community have a great opportunity to convey relevant messages to the community about the registration of deaths, so they are asked for cooperation in the same death registration system. 

Amina Masenza is the Iringa Regional Commissioner, who was an official guest at the sensitization meeting which was organized by RITA, congratulated RITA in the ongoing reforms in various parts of the country. 

She said that many institutions have much to learn in particular in terms of devolution of powers to the community of the people by taking action of death registration. 

She said that death is a sad incident because it separates us from those we love to mean we will never be able to have them again in life, hence, it is important to register the incident to get a death certificate that is used as a legitimate death. (Death certificate is a prima facie evidence of fact of death). 

Masenza said that the threat of death in the population goes further and causes many to not report death cases and make the country average of 17.5% of registered deaths. 

She said that citizens should see the relationship between registering the death of their beloved and the development of the country so that the government could plan its development plans. 

"I know there are countries where they have stopped making census as we do every ten years and spend a lot of money because these countries have set up a system where every born child is registered and everyone who dies is registered so that she has the statistics of her people every day," she elaborated. 

In addition, Masenza gave the RITA an opportunity to reassure regional leaders the importance of writing wills (wosia) although it is not a good idea but for the benefit of the family who will have it as soon as they leave the world. 

However, we demanded that regional and district authorities, religious leaders, media, and development stakeholders and the public generally to participate in implementing deaths. 


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...