Saturday, 8 July 2017

Trump expects trade deal with UK to be completed 'very, very quickly'

Theresa May meets Donald Trump during the G20 summit. Photograph: Matt Cardy/Getty Images

Anushka Asthana Political editor

The US president, Donald Trump, has said he expects a trade deal with the UK to be completed “very, very quickly” and confirmed he will be coming to London, ahead of a bilateral meeting with Theresa May on Saturday.

Trump and the British prime minister began a meeting as part of a series of bilateral discussions with leaders at the G20 summit in Hamburg aimed at boosting the UK’s trade position after it leaves the European Union.

A UK official said that the meeting with Trump would focus on “progress with a post-Brexit US-UK trade agreement”.

The US president also hailed the “very special relationship” he had developed with May as the pair met for talks on the margins of the G20. Trump said he expected an agreement on new trading arrangements with Britain to be a “very powerful” one that would be great for both countries.

However, it wasn’t clear that he was referring to a full free trade agreement as he said trade would be a big factor. The US president also said he had a “tremendous” meeting with Russia’s president Putin.

“There is no country that could possibly be closer than our countries,” Trump said. “We have been working on a trade deal which will be a very, very big deal a very powerful deal, great for both countries and I think we will have that done very, very quickly.”

He added: “Prime Minister May and I have developed a very special relationship and I think trade will be a very big factor between our two countries.”

Trump’s comments are unlikely to signal any confirmed trade deal being announced soon. The US president has consistently pledged to put American interests before those of any ally countries and a UK-US deal remains a long way from being agreed. 

He also said he “will be going to London” and asked when, he replied: “We’ll work that out.”

As well as seeing Trump, May will meet the Turkish president, Recep Tayipp Erdoğan, and the prime ministers of Japan and India, Shinzō Abe and Narendra Modi.

The prime minister is making a point of reaching out beyond her European counterparts, with officials repeatedly stressing the need for strong economic relationships after Brexit at the summit.

“The PM said as we get ready to leave, Britain would be wanting to build on its trade agreements with countries outside the EU,” the UK official added.

May’s discussions are not about details of an actual trade arrangement but more an opportunity to signal that she is looking beyond the EU for future economic relationships. But Trump’s warm words are unlikely to shift his position on acting in the US interests.

His focus at the G20 has been to robustly assert his “America first” desire. During trade talks on Friday a western diplomatic source told the Guardian how Trump had crossed his arms as China’s president, Xi Jinping, spoke during a session on trade, with a “face like thunder”.

With Trump, May will also discuss North Korea, and raise the question of the US decision to withdraw from the Paris agreement. The pair could also face some tension over free trade after May used a working lunch on the issue to warn that many citizens weren’t benefiting from growth across the world but taking a very different tone to the US president.

“That is why G20 needs to go further and faster – the answer cannot be to retreat, turn to protectionism or abandon trade,” she told the group. “In fact the answer must be to increase free trade because it is free trade that provides the best opportunity to driving global growth, it is free trade which combined with right domestic policies provides best opportunities to raise living standards.”

On Friday, May met President Xi of China for 30 minutes, in which she raised questions over North Korea and steel dumping, but also talked of a “golden era” of relations between the two countries. 

A senior No 10 official said the session began with the president saying that Chinese investment into Britain had increased since the Brexit vote, and that was a sign of confidence in the country.

“He said that Brexit was a very big event for the world but that he believed a prosperous and stable and open UK and prosperous and stable and open EU would be positive for the world and that China would work to further promote its interests with Britain and with the European Union,” they said.

May said that as the UK got ready to leave the EU it wanted to build on trade agreements with other countries, including China. The official added: “The prime minister said because the countries have such a strong relationship they can discuss the areas in which they have differences.”

In particular, she talked about overproduction of steel, and said she wanted China to put more pressure on North Korea.


Katibu Mkuu Msaidizi wa Mkoa wa Iringa wa Chama cha Wafanyakazi wa Hifadhi, Hoteli, Majumbani na Huduma za Jamii na Kazi zinginezo (CHODAWAU), Silvester Mshana Mfumu amewataka waajiri mkoani hapa kuwalipa mikataba ya ajira wafanyakazi wao kabla ya sheria haijakuchua mkondo wake.

Alisema kuwa mkataba wa ajira ni makubaliano yanayofanywa na mtu au taasisi inayoitwa mwajiri kwa upande mmoja, na mtu anayefahamika kama mwajiriwa kwa upande mwingine kwa lengo la kuainisha haki na wajibu wa pande hizi mbili.

Kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Ajira na Mahusiano Kazini, namba 6 ya 2004, mwajiri ni mtu au taasisi inayomlipa mtu mwingine ujira kwa ajili ya kutoa huduma, ujuzi au nguvu kazi inayofanikisha shughuli zake. 

Mshana alisema kuwa mwajiriwa, kwa upande mwingine, ni mtu mwenye sifa na uzoefu anayefanya kazi chini ya mamlaka ya mtu mwingine au taasisi akilipwa kwa minajili ya kutumia uzoefu na sifa .

Alisema kuwa mwaka wa fedha wa kiserikali umeanza na kuwataka waajiri kutoka sekta zinazohusu CHODAWAU kuwatapitia mikataba ya ajira waajirwa na wanachama kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya Ajira na Uhusiano Kazini na Kanuni zake za Mwaka 2004.

Katibu msadizi huyo wa CHODAWAU alisema hayo jana wakati wa mahojiano maalum na NIPASHE na kuongeza kuwa kuwepo kwa mikataba hiyo kutasaidia kupunguza migogoro isio ya lazima pamoja na kuleta ufanisi katika kazi.

Mshana alisema kuna waajiri bado hawajanza kulipa kima cha chini cha mishahara baada ya serikali kupitia bodi ya mishahara iliyotangaza kwa sekta zote mwezi wa saba mwaka 2013.

Haki hizi ni pamoja na kupatiwa mkataba wa kazi, kufahamu ameajiriwa katika nafasi gani na majukumu yake ni yapi, ili asije akafanya majukumu yasiyomhusu. 

Alisema kuwa mfanyakazi ana haki ya kwenda likizo, kupatiwa likizo ya matibabu pamoja na likizo ya uzazi. 

Alisema kuwa kuna baadhi ya waajiri ambao bado hawajaanza kutekeleza agizo la Serikali la kupandisha mishahara ya wanafanyakazi kwa sekta binafsi kama ilivyopendekezwa na bodi ya mishahara nchini ya mwaka 2013.

“Tutaanza kuwahesabia waajiri mapunjo kwa wafanyakazi kwa wanachama wote wa CHODAWU kwa sababu Serikali kupitia bodi ya mishahara nchini litangaza viwango mbalimabli vya mishahara ikiwemo sekta binafsi, ambapo walitakiwa kuanza kulipa viwango hivyo kuanzia tarehe moja mwezi wa saba mwaka 2013, ” alifafanua Mshana.

Mfanyakazi ana haki ya kulipwa malipo stahiki yanayoendana na kazi anayofanya na kiwango kilichowekwa na Serikali kwa mujibu wa sheria. 

Sheria pia imeweka wazi wajibu wa mfanyakazi kuwa ni pamoja na kufanya kazi kwa bidii, kufikia malengo ya mwajiri, usiri, utii, nidhamu na uaminifu. 

“Msingi wa uhusiano wa kiajira baina ya mfanyakazi na mwajiri ni mkataba wa ajira. Mkataba wa ajira unaweza kuwa wa mdomo au wa maandishi. Ili kuhakikisha mambo ya msingi yanawekwa wazi Sheria inamtaka mwajiri kumpa mfanyakazi maelezo ya ajira yake kwa maandishi,” alisema Mshana

Waajiriwa wengi, hususani kwenye sekta binafsi, wanafanya kazi bila kuwa na mikataba. Utendaji na usalama wa wafanyakazi hawa, kwa kiasi kikubwa, unategemea hisani na uaminifu wa mwajiri.

Kufanya kazi bila mkataba kuna hatari kadhaa. Kwanza, panakosekana ushahidi wa kisheria kuwa umeajiriwa. Katika mazingira haya, inapotokea unapata matatizo kazini, itakuwa rahisi zaidi kupoteza kazi yako.

Vile vile, kutokuwa na mkataba kunakuweka kwenye hatari ya kupoteza haki zako za msingi kama mfanyakazi anayelindwa na sheria za nchi.


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...