Monday, 14 December 2015


Bi Razia Mwawanga kutoka IAWRT akifungua mkutano wakati wa uzinduzi wa ripoti ya utafiti kuhusu wanawake wanavyopewa nafasi hasa katika vyombo vya habari hasa hapa nchini.(Picha na Geofrey Adroph wa Pamoja blog)

Mkurugenzi wa Shirika lisilo la kiserikali nchini la International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Tanzania Bi. Rose Haji Mwalimu akizungumza jambo wakati wa uzinduzi wa ripoti ya utafiti kuhusu wanawake wanavyopewa nafasi hasa katika vyombo vya habari hasa hapa nchini

Mgeni rasmi Mkurugenzi wa TAMWA, Bi. Edda Sanga(kushoto) akiwahamasisha wanawake kuwa na uthubutu ili kuyafikia malengo waliyojiwekea na kutojiona hawawezi kisa wao ni watoto wa kike, kulia ni Mkurugenzi wa IAWRT Tanzania Bi. Rose Haji Mwalimu.

Mgeni rasmi Mkurugenzi wa TAMWA, Bi. Edda Sanga (kushoto) pamoja na Mkurugenzi washirika lisilo la kiserikali nchini la International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Tanzania Bi. Rose Haji Mwalimu wakizindua ripoti ya utafiti kuhusu mwanamke au mtoto wa kike anavyopewa nafasi hasa kwenye vyombo vya habari.

Wajumbe wa IAWRT wakiangalia moja ya filamu inayohusu nafasi ya mwanamke hasa katika jamii.

Wajumbe wa mkutano huo wakiendelea kutoa maoni yao kuhusu usawa wa kijinsia katika ngazi mbalimbali za maamuzi.

Picha ya pamoja.

Na Mwandishi wetu

Katika ripoti iliyotelewa awali na Shirika lisilo la kiserikali nchini la International Association of Women in Radio and Television Tanzania (IAWRT), imeonyesha kwamba wanawake au mtoto wa kike hapewi nafasi ya moja kwa moja katika kutoa taarifa au katika shughuli za kufanya maamuzi katika ngazi mbali mbali tofauti na watoto wa kiume au mwanaume.

Utafiti huo umebaini kwamba mbali na kutopewa mtoto wa kike nafasi ya kufanya maamuzi katika ngazi tofauti, ambapo wamesema inapelekea wanaume kupata kipato kikubwa zaidi ya wanawake.
Katika hafla hiyo mgeni rasmi alikuwa ni Mkurugenzi wa TAMWA, Bi. Edda Sanga, ambapo ameiomba serikali na vyombo vya habari kuwapa kipaumbele wanawake katika ngazi tofauti tofauti za uongozi ili kuweza kuondoa lile tabaka lililopo kati ya mwanamke na mwanaume, na pia inaweza kuchangia katika maendeleo na mabadiliko ya nchi kiujumla.

Aliongezea kwa kusisitizia kuwa wanawake wenyewe washirikiane na wajitume pale wanapopata fursa katika matukio, na pale wanapofanikiwa warudi kuja kusaidia kuinua wanawake wengine ambao bado hawajaweza kufika pale panapohitajika.
Akizungumza Mkurugenzi wa Shirika lisilo la kiserikali nchini la International Association of Women in Radio and Television (IAWRT) Tanzania, Bi. Rose Haji Mwalimu alisema kwa wanawake inabidi wajitambue na pia wajue thamani zao katika jamii ili waweze kufikia malengo yao.

Hayo aliyasema wakati wa uzinduzi wa Ripoti ya Utafiti kuhusu Mwanamke au mtoto wa kike anavyopewa nafasi hasa kwenye vyombo vya habari ambapo ilionekana mtoto wa kike hapewi nafasi sawa na mtoto wa kiume.

Hii imekuwa ni changamoto hasa kwa nchi za Afrika kutomthamini mtoto wa kike.

Pia lisisitiza kuwa licha ya juhudi nyingi za wanahabari na taasisi za habari kuwainua wanawake na wasichana katika vyombo vya habari mathalani Radio bado juhudi zinakabiliana na changamoto kadhaa licha ya kuzaa matunda kwa sehemu ndogo na kupelekea mwanaume kuwa na nafasi kubwa katika vyombo hivyo.


Afisa Mipango wa Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC), Immaculata Nyoni akizungumza jambo kabla ya kukabidhi vifaa vya maabara kwa Jeshi la Magereza nchini.

Kamishna wa Sheria na Uendeshaji wa Magereza nchini Dkt. Juma Malewa akizungumza jambo wakati wa hafla fupi ya kukabidhiwa vifaa vya maabara kwa Magereza Tanzania.

Afisa Mipango wa Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC), Immaculata Nyoni pamoja na Kamishna wa Sheria na Uendeshaji wa Magereza nchini, Dkt. Juma Malewa wakikata utepe kuashiria kukabidhiwa vifaa vya maabara vilivyotolewa na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC).

Afisa Mipango wa Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC), Immaculata Nyoni akitolea ufafanuzi vifaa vya maabara alivyokabodhi kwa Jeshi la Magereza ili kusaidia kuwapima wafungwa walioko magerezani.

Kamishna wa Sheria na Uendeshaji wa Magereza nchini, Dkt. Juma Malewa akitoa shukrani baada ya kupokea msaada kutoka Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC) lililowakilishwa na Immaculata Nyoni.

Hivi ndivyo vifaa vya maabara vilivyokabidhiwa kwa Jeshi la Magereza.

Picha ya pamoja.

Na Mwandishi wetu

Jeshi la Magereza Ukonga limepokea vifaa vya maabala kutoka Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC) ambavyo vitasaidia kutoa vipimo kwa wafungwa waliofungwa magerezani hii ikiwa ni jitihada za kupunguza matumizi ya dawa za kulevya katika magereza hapa nchini.
Akizungumza wakati wa kukabidhi msaada huo Bi. Immaculata Nyoni ambaye ni Afisa Mipango wa Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC) alisema wametoa msaada huo baada ya kufanyika kwa tafiti hasa kwenye magereza hapa nchini na utafiti huo Magereza ilishirikiana na UNODC na kubaini changamoto wanazozipata wafungwa wakati wa kupimwa afya zao. 
Hivyo kama shirika limeamua kutoa msaada wa vifaa vya maabala ambavyo ni Hematology mbili(2), Urine Analyzer tatu (3) pamoja na Hemoglobin Mashine mbili(2) na vifaa hivi vimegharimu takribani shilingi milioni 10 za kitanzania.
Akitoa shukrani Kamishna wa Sheria na Uendeshaji wa Magereza nchini, Dkt. Juma Malewa kwa niaba ya Mkuu wa Magereza hapa nchini amesema anawashukuru UNODC kwa kuona matatizo yanayowakabili hasa kwenye hospitali za Magereza zinazohudumia wafungwa na kuamua kutoa msaada huo kwa jeshi hilo.
Pia alisisitizaushirikiano kati ya Jeshi la Magereza pamoja na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa linaloshughulika na Dawa za Kulevya na Uhalifu (UNODC) kuimarishwa ili kuweka ukaribu kwa kila jambo linalohusu afya ya wafungwa hasa kwa wale waliokuwa wanatumia madawa ya kulevya na wenye virusi vya UKIMWI.
Baada ya wauguzi kupokea msaada huo walisema sasa ni muda wa kazi tu kwani wamepata vifaa ambavyo vitaweza kuwahudumia wagonjwa kwa wakati kwani hapo mwanzo kulikuwa na uhaba wa vifaa vya maabara na kupelekea matibabu kutokuwa ya uhakika katika hospitali za Magereza zinazohudumia wafungwa.

Simbaya hails JPM for his braveness of cleaning the mess within the government

THE former President of Union of Tanzania Press Clubs (UTPC), Kenneth Simbaya has commended President Dr. John Pombe Magufuli’s braveness of cleaning the mess within the government, including fighting corruption.

Simbaya said that the measure that the president was taking aimed at bringing efficiency and boosting collection of government revenue for improving provision of social services such as education and health. 

Speaking to the Guardian yesterday during a telephone interview, he said the government should improve the collection of domestic revenue, in order to raise the health budget, particularly for HIV/AIDS, maternal health, pregnant women and infants.

He said that the government should be committed to collect domestic revenue and prevent embezzlement of public funds in order to improve the education and health sectors, rather than depending on donor funds which sometime comes with strings or sometimes doesn’t come.

He said that his stance of forming lean cabinet and reducing of massive public expenditure, it is a typical example of the leader who is committed to improve the living standards of his people, adding that that will restore the government esteem and dignity. 

He observed that what President Dr. Maguguli’s doing by cutting down on unnecessary public expenditure it is a typical Domestic Resource Mobilization (DRM) process which requires wise spending of public funds instead of using external resources.

Domestic Resource Mobilization (D.R.M.) refers to the generation of savings from domestic resources and their allocation to economically and socially productive investments. Such resource allocation can come from both the public and private sectors.

Following the ongoing improvement of quantity and quality of social services, and the productive sectors in general, spending needs of Tanzania are growing rapidly and more than the foreign resources can actually meet.

Although revenue collection as a percentage of GDP has recently increased, from 11.8% in 2004/05 to 17.9% in 2008/09, it is still not enough and ought to grow much faster. 

Domestic revenue is expected to contribute 56% to the total revenue in 2009/10, while 33% will be coming as foreign grants and loans, this is according to the Department of Economics University of Dar es Salaam Draft Report of 2010.

However, Tanzania is among African countries that have failed to achieve the objectives of setting aside 15 percent of its national budget for the health sector based on Abuja resolution being reached in 2001.

The resolution has been achieved by the leaders of the African Union (AU) in their meeting in Abuja, Nigeria where, among other things they discussed the challenges facing the health sector in Africa.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there are only six countries in Africa which has managed to set aside 15% of their budgets towards health sector.

These countries that reached Abuja declaration include Rwanda with 23.8%, Liberia 18.9%, Malawi 18.5%, Zambia 16%, Togo 15.4% and Madagascar 15.3%.

Recently, the newly elected President Dr. John Magufuli has inaugurated the East African country’s 11th Parliament and vowed to clean the mess within the government, including fighting corruption.

President Magufuli also mentioned a list of other measures aimed at bringing efficiency and boosting collection of government revenue for improving provision of social services such as education and health.

He mentioned such measures as a ban on foreign travels by public servants, forming a lean cabinet and cutting down on unnecessary public expenditure.

"During 2013, 2014 and 2015 a total of 178 million US dollars was spent on foreign travel by public servants," he told the august House, adding "This amount could have been used to construct 400 kilometres of tarmac road.”

UK pushing for limits on air pollution to be relaxed, documents reveal

In papers seen by the Guardian, government calls for carmakers to be allowed to far exceed the nitrogen oxides limit until 2021

Despite the Volkswagen scandal, the government was in October more concerned about protecting the motor industry than Britons’ health, says ClientEarth. Photograph: Sergiy Serdyuk/Alamy

The UK is pushing for a weakening of air pollution limits and a delay to their introduction in response to lobbying from the motor industry, documents reveal.

In revelations that will raise questions over the British government’s commitment to the climate change deal agreed in Paris at the weekend, papers obtained by ClientEarth, a firm of environmental legal experts, and seen by the Guardian, showed the UK had pushed for limits on pollution to be relaxed.

Paris climate deal: the world's greatest diplomatic success

The government’s papers called for carmakers to be allowed to far exceed the nitrogen oxides (NOx) limit of 80mg/km until 2021, and to be allowed to go 40% over the current limit after that.

The revelation comesbefore a meeting of the European parliament’s environment committee on Monday evening, which is expected to voice strong objection to the decision to water down emissions limits.

Alan Andrews, a lawyer for ClientEarth, said: “The decision to water down vehicle emission standards was a political stitch-up by the commission and an unelected committee of technocrats that will force us all to breathe illegal levels of air pollution for years to come. These rules are illegal and should be vetoed by the European parliament. If they fail to, the British government should take legal action to strike them down.

The Department for the Environment and Rural Affairs (Defra) has accepted thatmore than 50,000 people a year die prematurely as a result of air pollution in the UK. The figure includes about 29,000 deaths hastened by inhaling minute particles of oily, unburnt soot emitted by all petrol engines and an estimated 23,500 by the invisible but toxic gas NOx emitted by diesel engines.

According to ClientEarth, the British government’s position in October showed that despite the VW scandal, it was more concerned about protecting the motor industry than Britons’ health. Volkswagen has been engulfed in a scandal after it emerged that some of its diesel cars had been fitted with devices that could detect when they were being tested, concealing the real level of pollutants being emitted when on the road.

This is not the first time the government’s commitment to reducing air pollution has been called into question. In September, it emerged that Defra lobbied against part of a proposed EU directive that would force member states to establish national testing regimes to catch out those who tried to conceal the damage they were doing.

The proposed legislation – the national emissions ceiling directive – is designed to “ensure that policies and measures are effective in delivering emission reductions under real operating conditions”, according to the European commission.

In April, the supreme court ordered the government to make plans for tackling the UK’s air pollution problem, which has been in breach of EU limits for years. The five judges unanimously ruled in favour of a legal challenge by ClientEarth and said the next environment secretary must draw up a plan to meet the EU rules by the end of 2015.

In October, the European commission controversially backed a relatively weak air pollution limit. Member states focused on the introduction of “real driving emissions tests” to bring closer the implementation of the EU limit of 80mg/km of NOx.

The new tests are intended to better reflect actual emissions during on-road driving. Because of uncertainty over the tests, however, carmakers lobbied for a generous margin of error, what is known as the conformity factor.

The Guardian view on COP 21 climate talks: saving the planet in a fracturing world
Editorial: Globalisation has been spinning into reverse. But the Paris talks illustrate the potential of determined diplomacy between jealously sovereign states

Most EU members – apart from Belgium, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands – also favoured weaker new tests. The UK said before the October decision: “On the limited evidence we have seen, we currently do not see a rationale for agreeing a conformity factor less than the 2.2 upper limit of the commission’s stated range.”

In other words, the UK wants carmakers to be allowed to far exceed EU NOx limit until 2021. After that, Defra wants a conformity factor of 1.4, or 40%.

“It is also our judgement that the conformity factor should be set at a realistic and achievable limit for the industry, recognising that diesel is an inherent part of many manufacturers planning to deliver their CO2 obligations to to 2020,” said the position paper.

By voting to weaken rules on diesel vehicles, the government will undermine efforts to introduce an ultra low emission zone (Ulez) for London, say campaigners. Under the scheme, vehicles face an additional charge on entering the congestion charging zone unless they meet the EU NOx limit. However, if the EU regulations are watered down the Ulez will fail to deliver clean air for London.

A government spokesperson said: “The UK government is committed to taking action on emissions testing and we see real world testing (RDE) as the ultimate solution and a vital step in tackling air pollution. The vote to introduce RDE in 2017 is an important milestone but we will continue to press for a comprehensive approach at an EU level on emissions testing that restores consumer confidence and delivers our wider air quality and climate objectives.”


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...