Thursday, 1 December 2016


YOUNG PEOPLE have been advised to become self-employed through vocational education to help the government reduce the challenges of unemployment in the country.

The statement was made recently by the Principal of Don Bosco Youth Training Centre (DBYTC) of Iringa, Father Fred Njuguna during the 25th graduation ceremony of the vocational training centre.

The centre is under Salesian organization of Don Bosco, an international religious organization working in 125 countries around the world with the youth.

Father Njuguna has commented that for young people who are completing forms (IV and VI) and are supposed to enroll in the vocational education colleges after failing to enroll in the regular colleges due to various reasons.

He said that there are students who complete their secondary education who remain idle and have no work to do, they enrolled and the vocational training facilities would help reduce the challenge of unemployment.

He said that in order to support government efforts of the industrial policy, the graduates of secondary education are supposed to enroll in vocational training facilities.

In addition, the head of the vocational training centre has praised the government under Dr. John Magufuli administration for the improvement of training in vocational training centers hence many graduates are self-employed or employed.

He said that after the authorities of the vocational education (VETA) have improved training activities many graduates have become self-employed and some employed.

In another development, the Principal of the Don Bosco Youth training Centre Pd. Njuguna said that the college is facing numerous problems including the lack of hostels for students many of whom are living on the streets and leads to the provision of care for these young people to be challenging.

"We can provide the best care for young people at school, but when they returned home they are still behaving the same, this why we need hostels becomes it is easy to care for young people ...," said Pd. Fred Njuguna.

He said another challenge is that the campus is in high cost of operating in the absence of subsidies from the government as well as many students unable to pay the fees on time.

He said that usually the government should contribute 70 percent of the operation of vocational training centers and the remaining 30 percent contributed by the relevant college, "... but those funds do not come often," he added Pd. Njuguna.

He also said another challenge is that there have been a small number of female students who join the college compared to the number due to lack of hostels.

He referred to the graduates of this year, that a total of 63 students who graduated this year but only eight girls were qualified from various causes, including two pregnant female students in the absence of a school dormitory.

He said the college also has more than 200 students, among them girls are 47 of all college students because they lack dormitories.

Don Bosco VTC-Iringa is under The Salesians of Don Bosco is a Roman Catholic religious institute founded in the late nineteenth century by Saint John Bosco to help poor children during the Industrial Revolution, which is an international religious organization working in 125 countries around the world because of the youth.

Med rick Msamila is a graduate at the 25th graduation ceremony in the field of masonry thanked God for a safe finish but laid emphasis that the VTC sees no need to reduce the fees so that more students can enroll in the college.

He said that many students come from low-income families but are unable to join due to the high fees rate, adding that many girls should enroll in vocational training centers for crafts is not just for men.

The Salesians of Don Bosco arrived in Iringa in 1980 and founded a youth center and a technical school.

The technical college provides a total of seven courses and is managed by the authorities in vocational education (VETA), where 88 percent of its graduates are self-employed or employed.

The following courses are offered at the Don Bosco College Iringa include computer courses, printing, welding, tailoring, motor mechanics, electrical, and masonry.

However, the principal has advised the graduates are not to be satisfied with education and instead they should go further to reach the highest levels in order to bring the quality and efficiency in their work.

Recently, the Minister of Education and Vocational Training Professor Joyce Ndalichako, has issued the statement, any student who completed Form Four should reach Diploma level but he or she who wants to go degree program should go through the sixth form level.

In her speech she said it will be implemented and end of one of the existing systems where a student who completed Form Four should go for Diploma but if he/she determine to go degree they should go through the sixth form level first.

The minister of Education adds that students who excelled in Form Four examination have been sent to study the level of certificate, diploma and then later they excel towards Bachelor Degree but now will be forced to go through sixth form level. 

Another system also allows some one in which has graduated sixth form but failed to complete several criteria required in universities had got a chance to do studies of time i.e. foundation course at the open university of Tanzania (OUT) and if they were successful he would be allowed to continue to study the level of Degree.

The former President of Tanzania Benjamin Mkapa, who recently said the best way to improve education in Tanzania are stakeholders to meet at the negotiating table to discuss the challenges they face.

Minister Ndalichako soon after taking office removed the system average points i.e. GPA and restore system of division.

The minister announced to those who graduate at lower levels of education not wearing robes and hats as compared to those  who graduated from universities.

Kuelekea Tanzania Ya Viwanda



makamu mwenyekiti wa baraza la madiwani Meru akiwa anachangia hoja katika baraza hilo 

baadhi ya madiwani wa meru wakifuatilia kikao

mkurugenzi wa halmashauri ya Meru Christopher Kazer akifafanua jambo kwa waandishi mara baada ya baraza kumalizika

mkurugenzi wa halmashauri ya Meru Christopher Kazer akijibu hoja mbele ya madiwani wa meru

baadhi ya madiwani wakifuatailia

Habari picha zote na Woinde Shizza, Arusha

BARAZA la madiwani Halmashauri ya Meru mkoani Arusha wamkaanga Mkurugenzi wasema hana uwezo wa kuongoza Halmashauri hiyo.

Akitoa maazimio ya kikao cha baraza kilichokaa siku mbili kilichowajumuisha madiwani,wakuu wa idara mbalimbali na wataalam Mwenyekiti wa Halmashauri hiyo Willy Njau Alisema wametafakari kwa kina utendaji wa Mkurugenzi na kubaini kuwa hafai.

" Tumejadili ajenda ya utendaji usioridhisha wa Mkurugenzi wetu na tumeona kuwa haufai kutokana na mambo mengi anayoyafanya yanakiuka kanuni na taratibu za Halmashauri"alisema Njau.

Aidha Njau alisema Mkurugenzi huyo ameonekana kukata mawasiliano na mwenyekiti wa Halmashauri jambo alilosema siyo sahihi.

Alisema pia ameweza kukata mawasiliano na madiwani wa Halmashauri hiyo pamoja na kusababisha hata wakuu wa idara kutokuwa na mawasiliano na madiwani jambo linalorudisha maendeleo nyuma.

Aliongeza kuwa Mkurugenzi huyo ameshindwa kukusanya makusanyo ya pesa kiasi cha milioni 150 kilichokusudiwa kukusanywa tangu Julai hadi septemba mwaka huu jambo alilosema linaweza kusababisha Halmashauri kutopewa ruzuku kutoka serikali kwasababu ya uzembe.

" Tumejiridhisha kuwa uwezo wa Mkurugenzi kuiongoza Halmashauri yetu kama Mkurugenzi Mtendaji ni mdogo hivyo hafai anadidimiza maendeleo ya Halmashauri ya meru" alisema Njau. Na kuongeza.

"Tumeamua kuiomba mamlaka yake na Uteuzi ichukue hatua stahiki za kumuwajibisha ili kunusuru maendeleo ya Halmashauri ya meru"

Vilevile alisema kuwa Mkurugenzi huyo amekuwa akidharau maagizo yanayotolewa na kamati mbalimbali za baraza hilo na Kushindwa kuzitekeleza ambapo ni kuvunja kanuni na taratibu za Halmashauri.

Hata hivyo alisema kitendo cha mkurugenzi kukata posho zamadiwani ni kinyume na utaratibu kwani ziliwekwa kisheria ambapo alisema Kama kuna tatizo la kukatwa posho ni lazima sheria hiyo ingebadilishwa kwanza.

" Mwenye dhamana ya kutangaza kuwa posho zinabadilika ni Waziri mwenye dhamana hiyo lakini siyo mkuu wa mkoa, Wilaya au Mkurugenzi" alisema .

Naye Diwani wa Kikatiti Elisa Mungure ambaye ni Mwenyekiti wa madiwani alisema Mkurugenzi huyo amekuwa akiendesha Halmashauri kisiasa jambo ambalo halifai.

" Ninasikitishwa na uongo unaoelezwa na Mkurugenzi ambaye kateuliwa na mheshimiwa Rais hii ni ajabu haiwezekani kuendelea kumuamini mtu wa aina hii" alisema Mungure.

Alisema Mkurugenzi huyo amekuwa akiwqhamisha watendaji wa kata bila kufuata taratibu huku akishinikiza ofisi ya kata ya Kikatiti kuwa ni ya CCM huku ikiwa ni ofisi ya wananchi wala siyo ya chama chochote.

Kwa upande wake mkurugenzi Huyo Christopher Kazer alisema anafuata maagizo ya mkuu wa nchi na hawezi kuwanyima watu kufikiri wanavyofikiri.

" Maelekezo ya kupunguza matumizi yasiyolazima kutoka kwa mkuu wa nchi ninayafuata pia ndio maana nimepunguza matumizi mengi" alisema.

Alisema hawezi kuzuia maamuzi yanayotolewa na baraza hilo maana kwa namna moja au nyingine wamekaa wakatengeneza maamuzi hivyo hawezi kuwalazimisha kutofanya maamuzi.

Aidha pia alibainisha kuwa anaamini kabisa madiwani hawa wanataka halmashauri iendeshe kisiasa wanataka iendeshwe kama wao wanavyotaka kitu ambacho hatakubali kwani sio hakutumwa kufanya kazi ya siasa bali alitumwa kufanya kazi ya kuwasaidia wananchi na serikali kwa ujumla 

Alisema kuwa anaamini haya yote yanatokea kutokana na madiwani hawa kukatwa fedha za posho na usafiri ambao walikuwa wamejiwekea bila kufuata taratibu

"ivi jamani ndugu waandishi mtu anatoka apo usa anataka alipwe nauli elfu 80 ni haki kweli wengine wanatoka apa apa wakija kikao kikichelewa kuisha wanataka walipwe fedha za kulala laki laki sasa mimi hayo yote tumeyatoa sasa ivi wanalipwa elfu 40 tu na mshahara wao upo pale pale sasa wao ndio maana wananipiga zwegwe mimi nasema nitasimamia ilani ya chama ambacho kinaongoza serikali pia nitafata sera ya muheshimiwa Rais ya kubana matumizi sitakubali wafanye vitu ovyo na ninyamaze walifikia atua wakataka hata kunigombanisha na watendaji wangu ila mimi nimeajiriwa na serikali mimi sio mwanasiasa na nitafanya kazi kama nilivyoaaidi siku nilioapishwa "alisema mkurugenzi Kazer 


Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Same Mkoani Kilimanjaro Rosemary Staki amezindua shughuli ya kupanda miti maeneo oevu/ kwenye vyanzo vya Maji katika Kata ya Bwambo. Zoezi hilo limefanyika kwa ushirikiano na shirika lisilo la kiserikali la Floresta.


Afisa Maendeleo ya Jamii kutoka Bodi ya Maji Bonde la Rufiji (RBWB), Magreth Dionsi akielezea Sera ya Maji ya 2002 watika wa warsha ya siku mbili ya Programu ya Maji Ruaha (RWP)kuhusu shughuli za mradi bonde dogo la Mbarali na mkakati wa uendelezaji wake inayoratibiwa na shirika la WWF. Warsha hiyo inafanyika katika mji mdogo wa Makambako mkoani Njombe.

Afisa Maendeleo ya Jamii Bodi ya Maji Bonde la Rufiji (RBWB), David Muginya akielezea Sheria ya Maji Na 11, 2009  watika wa warsha ya siku mbili ya Programu ya Maji Ruaha (RWP) kuhusu shughuli za mradi bonde dogo la Mbarali na mkakati wa uendelezaji wake inayoratibiwa na shirika la WWF. Warsha hiyo inafanyika katika mji mdogo wa Makambako mkoani Njombe.


Afisa Maendeleo ya Jamii na Mratibu wa Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Jamii (TASAF) Mkoa wa Iringa, William Kingazi akizungumza na walengwa wa malipo katika mpango wa kunusuru kaya maskini Kijiji cha Magunguli wilayani Mufindi, mkoani Iringa hivi karibuni. 
Jumla ya kaya maskini 78 katika Kijiji cha Magunguli zinanufaika na mpango wa kunusuru kaya maskini zimelipwa malipo ya miezi miwili (Novemba na Desemba) lakini kwa bahati mbaya wawakilishi wa kaya mbili kati hizi wamefariki dunia. (PICHA NA FRIDAY SIMBAYA)

Afisa Maendeleo ya Jamii na Mratibu wa Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Jamii halmashauri wa Wilaya Mufindi Mkoa wa Iringa,na Mwezeshaji katika vijiji kuhusu (TASAF) Emmanuel Mrutu akitoa utaratibu wa malipo kwa walengwa katika mpango wa kunusuru kaya maskini Kijiji cha Magunguli wilayani Mufindi, mkoani Iringa hivi karibuni.

Jumla ya kaya maskini 78 katika Kijiji cha Magunguli zinanufaika na mpango wa kunusuru kaya maskini zimelipwa malipo ya miezi miwili (Novemba na Desemba) lakini kwa bahati mbaya wawakilishi wa kaya mbili kati hizi wamefariki dunia. (PICHA NA FRIDAY SIMBAYA)

Mmoja wa wakazi wa Kijiji cha Magunguli katika Wilaya ya Mufindi, mkoani Iringa akipokea malipo wa miezi miwili (Novemba na Desemba) hivi karibuni. Kijiji cha Magunguli   ni mmoja ya vijiji ambavyo vipo katika mpango wa kunusuru kaya maskini unaoratibiwa na Mfuko wa Maendeleo ya Jamii (TASAF). (PICHA NA FRIDAY SIMBAYA)


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...