Thursday, 19 August 2010


RPC Assistant Commisioner of Police (ACP) Mangalla when he was speaking to reporters today not in the picture at his office in Iringa region.

IRINGA Regional Police Commander (RPC), Evarist Mangalla has attributed that the hit and run accidents have increased the number of accidents recorded in January to June this year.

RPC Mangalla told reporters yesterday at the press briefing that there were a lot of hit and run accidents than that of involving passenger buses, whereby there was 99 recorded accorded last this year and last there was 95, increase of four accidents.

Vis-à-vis, there were 74 fatal accidents last year but this year between the same period 75 deadly accidents were reported.
He noted that number of accidents that caused injuries last year was 21 and this year is 24 respectively.

“The numbers of people who died and injured last year were 86 and 73 respectively, and this year there were 85 deaths and 78 injuries respectively,” he said.

In Iringa region, number of accidents involving public passenger buses is smaller compared to other regions in the country due to intensive police patrols and checking on timetables at police checkpoints that are established along the road.

The hit and run accidents involve vehicles is mostly that are public but private, he noted.

In last, 20 licenses were cancelled due to reckless driving and drivers were penalized by using road traffic Act of 1973, which was revised in 2002, which empowers police to arrest any person violation the law.

He however pointed out that most people in Iringa don’t know how to use roads therefore is big challenge.

People also abuse the use of zebra crossings, whereby they stand there and start greeting each other on the zebra crossing.
But the zebra crossing is meant cross as faster as possible without delay by making that th

In order to reduce the road accident in the region, he urged pedestrians to use service roads if possible and driver to refrain from driving while they are drunk hence reduction both fatal and injury accidents respectively.


Dkt. William Mgimwa (CCM) wa kwanza kulia kusalimiana na mzee baada ya kurudisha fomu ya uteuzi leo.Dkt. Mgimwa aliyeshika fomu akisindikizwa na wananchi wa Kalenga baada ya kurudisha fomu yake ya uteuzi leo.Msimamizi wa Uchaguzi Msaidizi Bw. Martin Ndamo (wa tatu kulia) wa jimbo la Iringa mjini akibandika fomu zilizorudishwa na wagombea ubunge leo.Dkt. Mgimwa akiongea na wana habari muda mfupi baada ya kurudisha fomu ya uteuzi leo.


WAGOMBEA ubunge katika majimbo ya Iringa mjini, Kalenga na Ismani mkoani Iringa warejesha fomu za uteuzi katika ofisi ya tume ya uchaguzi za Iringa Mjini na Iringa Vijijini leo.

Katika Jimbo la Ismani, ni mgombea mmoja tu ambaye ni Bw. William Lukuvi (CCM) ndiye karudisha fomu ya uteuzi kati ya wagombea watatu waliochukuwa fomu pamoja na Bw. Joseph Kapwani (CHADEMA) na Bw. Juma Fufumbe (CUF).

Bw. Lukuvi atatangazwa mshindi wa bila kupingwa katika Jimbo la Isimani baada ya maasa 24 na Msimamizi wa Uchaguzi, Bi. Tina Sekambo wa Wilaya ya Iringa, baada ya wagombea wengine kutorudisha fomu zao kabla ya saa 10 jioni.

Katika Jimbo la Kalenga, waliochukuwa fomu walikuwa wanne na wote wamerudisha fomu zao kabla ya muda uliopangwa na tume ya uchaguzi (NEC).

Waliochukuwa fomu za uteuzi na kurejesha ni pamoja na Bw. Katindasa Lumunko (TLP), Dkt. William Mgimwa (CCM), Bw. Makuke Majinga (Jahazi Asilia)na Bi. Rehema Paulo (CHADEMA).

Katika jimbo la Iringa Mjini ambapo aliyekuwa mshindi katika kura za maoni mwanzoni mwa mwezi huu, Bw. Frederick Mwakalebela ambaye pia ayeeuenguliwa NEC ya chama cha CCM baada ya kashfa ya kutoa rushwa na kesi yake inaendelea mahamani, na kumteuwa mshindi wa pili Bi. Monica Mbega kupitia tiketi ya CCM, basi urejeshaji wa fomu za uteuzi za ubunge umekamilika vizuri leo.

Bw. Willam Lukuvi akiongea na wana habari leo baada ya Msimamizi wa Uchaguzi katika Wilaya ya Iringa Bi. Tina Sekambo kumaliza kubandika fomu za uteuzi ubaoni.Mchungaji Peter Msigwa akirudisha fomu ya uteuzi leo kwa msafara wa gari mjini Iringa.
Waliochuwa na kurudisha fomu katika jimbo la Iringa mjini ni pamoja na Bi. Monica Mbega (CCM), Bi. Mariam Mwakingwa (NCCR-Mageuzi), Bi. Zaituni Mwaibula (CUF) na Mchungaji Peter Msigwa (CHADEMA).


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...