Tuesday, 15 May 2018


The mayor of the Iringa municipal council Alex Kimbe has asked different stakeholders to contribute to the education, health and water sectors as well as other sectors in the municipality. 

The mayor made the statement yesterday when closing a ward councilor’s council meeting of Iringa municipal council for the third quarter of the financial year 2017/2018. 

Kimbe said that development stakeholders could reduce the challenges facing the municipality as well as the completion of the ongoing developing projects which was not finished due to financial shortages. 

He said that the Iringa municipal council has congratulated various development stakeholders, including the ASAS Group of Companies for contributing to the health, water and education sectors. 

"When we start in the fourth quarter of 2017/18 there are many projects not yet finalized due to financial shortages as the councils should be planning to finish the projects that are not completed," he said. 

At the same time, Iringa district commissioner Richard Kasesela, who also an advisor at the council meeting, advised the council to resolve the plots issues. 

He said the problem of double-allocation of plots is allegedly being offering plots by region and municipalities respectively which is one of stumbling block towards the municipal development. 

Furthermore, Kasesela said President John Pombe Magufuli is expected to be guest of honour during the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking to be held at national level in Iringa. 

International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a United Nations International Day against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade, and it is observed annually on 26 June, since 1989. 

The observance was instituted by General Assembly Resolution42/112 of 7 December 1987. It is often referred to by Anti-Drug campaigners as 6/26. 


Meya wa Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Iringa, Alex Kimbe amewaomba wadau mbalimbali kuchangia sekta za elimu, afya na maji pamoja sekta zingine katika manispaa hiyo. 

Meya huyo alitoa kauli hiyo jana wakati akifunga mkutano wa kawaida wa baraza la madiwani la manispaa ya iringa kwa kipindi cha robo ya tatu kwa mwaka wa fedha 2017/2018.

Kimbe alisema kuwa wadau wa maendeleo wanaweza kupunguza changamoto mbalimbali zinazoikabilia manispaa hiyo ikiwemo changomto yakutekamilika kwa badhi ya miradi ya maendelea kutokana na uhaba wa fedha. 

Alisema kuwa halmashauri ya manispaa ya iringa imewapongeza wadau mbalimbali wa maendeleo ikiwemo kampuni ya ASAS Group kwa kuchangia fedha katika sekta ya afya, maji na elimu. 

“Wakati tunalekea katika kipindi cha robo ya nne ya mwaka 2017/18 kuna miradi mingi haijakamilika kutokana na uhaba wa fedha na sisi kama halmashauri tunatakiwa kujipanga kuweza kumalizia miradi ambayo haijakamilika,” alisema Kimbe. 

Katika hatua nyingine, kaimu mwenyekiti wa kamati ya kudhibiti ukimwi Halmashauri ya Manispaa Iringa Ibrahimu Ngwada alisema katika kipindi cha robo ya tatu, januari hadi machi 2017/2018 kamati hiyo ilieendelea kutekeleza mikakati ya kupambana na janga la ukimwi kwa kushirikiana na wadau wa mapambano dhidi ya VVU/UKIMWI. 

Alisema kuwa huduma za ushauri na upimaji wa hiari zilitolewa, jumla ya watu 4269 wakiwemo wanaume 2145 na wanawake 2124 walipimwa afya zao kwa hiari. 

Ngwada aliongeza kuwa waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU/UKIMWI ni watu 383 kati yao wanaume 146 na wanawake 237. 

Aidha, kaimu mweneyekiti huyo alisema kuwa huduma za tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono ilitolewa katika vituo vyote vya afya na zahanati, ambapo jumla ya watu 325 wakiwemo wanaume 63 na wanawake 262 walipata tiba sahihiya magonjwa ya ngono. 

Wakati huohuo, Mkuu wa Wilaya ya Iringa Richard Kasesela ambaye pia ni mshauri katika baraza la madiwani alitoa ushauri kwa baraza hilo kutatua migororo ya viwanja. 

Alisema tatizo la viwanja la double allocation ni kubwa kwa kuwa viwanja hivyo vinadaiwa kuwa mkoa unatoa viwanja na manispaa nayo intoa viwanja, yaani kiwanja kimoja kugaiwa mara mbili. 

Katika hatua nyingine, Mkuu wa Wilaya huyo alisema kuwa rais Dkt John Pombe Magufuli anatarajia kuwa mgeni rasmi katika siku ya kupiga vita dawa za kulevya duniani yatakayofanyika kitaifa mkoani Iringa hapo tarehe 26.06.2018. 

Alisema kuwa rais Magufuli alivutiwa na mapokezi makubwa siku ya wafanyakazi duniani yaliyofanyika kitaifa mkoani Iringa. 

Eating right and keeping well during Ramadan: An expert guide

Islam holy book of Muslims, Date-palm is placed on silver. date palm fruits or kurma, ramadan on a wooden black background.

Swapping fried food for grilled goodness, ditching samosas, swerving sugar and salt, and spending nights drinking as much water as possible could help millions of Muslims across the globe tackle the challenges of Ramadan.

Students and academics at Birmingham City University in the UK have come up with a guide which aims to help people observing the month of Ramadan to make sure they eat right and look after their systems.

Academics and students on the University’s Sport and Exercise and Nutrition courses, including Dr Huda Al-Kateb, Dr Matt Cole and PhD researcher Ayaz Safi, have written up a guide featuring tips on nutrition, hydration and exercise to help people fasting for Ramadan to keep to a regular routine as much as possible.

The points were written up based on analysis of the common foods consumed during the month, along with reflection on what foods are best at providing sufficient energy throughout the day. The experts have also featured advice on energy and activity to support wellbeing.

The experts have written up a guide on tips for things to try out, avoid or swap for the month to look after the body:

· Water, water and more water during night time hours – experts advise to drink as much water as possible during Iftaar and Suhur times, especially if hot weather is expected during the day.

· Learn the importance of balance – when fasting your body is deprived of nutrients that your system needs. The experts emphasise that it is so important to make sure that when you can eat, you keep your meals balanced so that you feed your system enough nutrients from each group.

· Think about the alternatives – swap deep frying for grilling, baking or shallow frying and swap heavier foods for lighter alternatives. For example, swap cake and chocolate for fruit and yoghurt. 

· Fitness and fasting can work together – gym enthusiasts can stick to their routine of working out every day. Light exercises are great to keep blood flowing and the system working. Cardio exercises are also fine to do when fasting as long as you don’t overdo it.

· Excess salt causes extreme thirst during the day – experts say that meals with high salt are not ideal to eat during night time hours because they can cause thirstiness during the day and is best to be avoided.

· Keep energised without water or snacks – experts advise that there are small things you can try each day to keep you alert and maintain your energy. Things like taking small breaks from revision or work and going on small walks, writing daily to-do lists or listing what you’re finding difficult and working on combatting these, and planning meals to make sure you’re eating the rights things to get good energy levels can all have a bit impact.

Dr Huda Al-Kateb, Programme Leader BSc Food and Nutrition at Birmingham City University, said:

“During Ramadan, the hunger and dehydration might affect our cognitive abilities which often means that our ability to make wise choices when it comes to what food and drink that we consume during after the period of breaking the fast.

“We as a generation are much more aware of our health and wellbeing now so it is a good time to make people aware of what is and isn’t good to eat during Ramadan.”

The month of Ramadan, which begins on May 16 sees a large number of Muslims across the world observe 30 days of fasting during daylight hours, which means they cannot eat any food or drink any water or other drinks until the sun sets. The month teaches self-discipline, resilience and awareness of what it can be like for those living in poverty.

Ayaz Safi, a PhD Researcher and Assistant Lecturer in the Sports Science department, has also contributed to the list of tips. He said:

“Ramadan is a very challenging month for everyone who observes it and we’re fortunate to have experts in the University who can advise on the do’s and don’ts to make sure people look after themselves, eat the right things and overcome another challenging month.

“I regularly fast, so many of the points are what I have learned along the way. Making small changes like swapping foods, balancing your meals and doing light exercise can help you stick to as normal a routine as possible and make a difference to how you get through the day.”

The full guide is available on Birmingham City University’s website


Na Friday Simbaya, Mufindi  Wanafunzi wa shule za msingi na sekondari wilayani Mufindi mkoani Iringa wameiomba serikali kwa kush...