Tuesday, 25 December 2012


Na Friday Simbaya, Songea

WAUMINI wa dini za kikristo katika mji mdogo wa Peramiho wamesherehekea sikukuu ya kuzaliwa kwa Yesu Kristo kwa kupata watoto 10 waliozaliwa siku ya mkesha mwaka huu, ukilinganisha na mwaka jana ambapo walizaliwa watoto saba katika hospitali hii, wakiume wakiwa watatu na wakike wanne, ikiwa ni ongezeko la watoto watatu zaidi.

Kwa mujibu wa muuguzi wa zamu katika hospitali ya Misheni ya Mtakatifu Josefu Peramiho (St. Joseph Mission Hospital Peramiho) iliyopo Wilaya ya Songea vijijini, mkoani Ruvuma, Sista Matilda Mkulu alisema, kati ya watoto hao nane ni wa wakike na wawili wa kiume.

Sista Mkulu alisema wote watoto kumi walizaliwa kwa njia ya kawaida na hakuna mtoto hata mmoja aliyezaliwa kwa operesheni.

“Watoto wote walizaliwa kwa njia ya kawaida na hakuna mtoto aliyezaliwa kwa njia ya upasuaji na hali zao zinaendelea vizuri pamoja na mama zao. Katika kipindi hiki cha sikukuu ya krismas tumeamua kutoa zawadi ya sabuni za kufulia nguo za watoto waliyozaliwa hapa hospitalini, ili nguo za watoto ziweze kuwa katika hali ya usafi,” aliongeza Sista Mkulu.

Hata hivyo amesema hali za watoto hao wote zinaendelea vizuri japo hadi wakati huo walikuwa hawajaruhusiwa kutoka hospitalini hapo.

Kwingineko katika maeneo mbalimbali ya Songea hali imeonekana kuwa shwari kiasi cha waumini kushiriki ibada za mkesha katika makanisa yao kwa amani na utulivu.



  By Friday Simbaya, Songea

RELIGIOUS Christian religion in a small town Peramiho have celebrated the feast of the birth of Jesus Christ to children 10 who were born on the eve of this year, compared to last year where seven babies were born in this hospital, while males three and four female, an increase of more than three children.

According to the nurse in charge at the hospital' of St. Joseph Mission Peramiho existing in Songea Rural District, Ruvuma Region, Sister Matilda Mkulu stated, among eight of these children are girls and two boys.

Sister Mkulu said all ten children were born in the normal way and no, not one child born of the operation.

"All children were born in the normal way and no child born through cesarean section and their situation remains comfortable with and their mothers. During the Christmas holidays we decided to give the new born babies a gift of laundry soap. So that children’s clothes are in a state of purity, “Sister Mkulu added.

However, she said the situation of all children are experiencing good though until then they were not allowed to leave the hospital.

Elsewhere in various parts of the Songea have proved calm and the amount of believers shared eve worship in their churches for peace and stability.


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