Saturday, 10 June 2017


Mamlaka ya Vitambulisho vya Taifa (NIDA) inatarajia kusajili wakazi 130,000 kwa ajili ya Vitambulisho vya Taifa katika Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Iringa, mkoani Iringa.

Akiongea na Nipashe (leo) jana ofisini kwake Afisa Habari wa Mkoa wa Iringa Dennis Gondwe alisema zoezi limeanza tarehe 07/06/2017 na linatarajiwa kukamilika tarehe 05/07/2017. 

Alisema kuwa zoezi linaanza saa 1 asubuhi hadi saa 11 Jioni na litafanyika katika Vituo vya Usajili vilivyopo katika Kata zote 18 za Manispaa ya Iringa kwa mujibu wa Ratiba ilivyopangwa kila Kata imepangiwa siku 3 za usajili. 

“Ofisi ya Mkuu wa Mkoa wa Iringa kwa kushirikiana na Mamlaka ya Vitambulisho vya Taifa (NIDA), na Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Iringa tumeanza zoezi la Kutambua na Kusajili wakazi wa Manispaa ya Iringa,” alisema.

Gondwe alisema kuwa zoezi za usajili litahusisha wananchi wote raia wa Tanzania wenye umri wa miaka 18 na kuendelea. 

Alivitaja vitu vya Msingi anavyotakiwa kwenda navyo Mwananchi Raia wa Tanzania katika kituo cha usajili, Nyaraka halisi (original) na vivuli vya kuthibitisha uraia na umri wa Mhusika, Cheti cha Kuzaliwa, Pasi ya Kusafiria, Vyeti vya Elimu ya Msingi na Sekondari, Leseni ya Udereva, Kitambulisho cha Bima ya Afya, na Kitambulisho cha Mpiga kura.

“Kwa kuwa zoezi hili linahusisha upigaji wa Picha, kwa ajili ya ubora wa picha, Tunaelekeza yafuatayo kwa wananchi kutovaa nguo Nyeupe, Kijivu, Bluu mpauko, Pinki, nguo zenye kung’aa sana, Jezi, nguo zenye nembo, kofia aina yeyote ama kupaka Hina mikononi,” alisema afisa habari wa mkoa hiyo. 


National Identification Authority (NIDA) expects to register 130,000 residents for National Identity in the Municipal Council of Iringa, Iringa.

Speaking to the Guardian (today) yesterday in his office's Iringa Region information officer Dennis Gondwe said the exercise started on 07.06.2017 and is expected to be completed on 05.07.2017.

He said that the exercise begins at 07:00 hrs am to 17:00 hrs pm, were the registration will be held in the existing registration centers in all 18 wards of Iringa Municipality. 

Adding that according to the planned schedule every ward is scheduled 3 days of registration.

"The Office of the Iringa Region Commissioner in collaboration with the National Identification Authority (NIDA), and Iringa Municipal Council have started with the recognition and Registering residents of Iringa Municipality," he said.

Gondwe said that the registration exercise will involve all citizens of Tanzania aged 18 and above.

Based on the things he wanted to go with in the registration center as Tanzania National include the actual documents (original) and photocopy to prove citizenship and age, birth certificate, passport, certificates of primary and secondary education, driver's license, health insurance ID and voter ID.

"For this exercise involves imaging Image, for image quality, the citizens should not wearing clothes with White, Gray, Blue, pink, very bright clothing, jerseys, clothing with logos, hats or any kind drawings in hands, but black clothes, "said Gondwe.

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